Meschach was designed to solve systems of dense or sparse linear equations, compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and solve least squares problems, among other things.
Compute the distance from each data sample to the cluster center (our randomly selected data row), using the least-squares method of distance calculation.
Least squares regression with nine model selection techniques, including stepwise regression.
The method doesn't need to input the far - end equivalent impedance, while the solution is obtained by using the method of least squares, which theoretically ensures high accuracy.
This paper discusses how to design an adaptive filter to remove the noise of an image in terms of the principle of least squares and regression model.
The LZ algorithm presented in this paper makes possible the solution of the multiple regression analysis problems in management prediction without turning to the commonly used method of least squares.
An adaptive filter is designed in the paper to remove the noise of an image in terms of the principle of least squares and regression model.
Weighted least squares regression.
The automatic initial calibration of triaxial accelerometers and triaxial magnetic sensor, based on least squares method, is implemented.
The result obtained from these two method corresponds with that from the least squares method in the books of survey adjustment.
Based on preknowledge of texture in an image, by using least squares defintion and with needed constraint, the filters are derived.
Prominent among the various techniques that can help to extrapolate past date into future trends are the following:time series, least squares method, exponential smoothing, regression and correlation.
Parameter estimation as minimization - intro to method of least squares, introduction to probability theory, conditional and joint probabilities, statistical independence.
The paper establishes the model for the urban life-water quantity prediction by means of combining neural network with the partial least squares method.
Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS) are the conventional techniques of multivariate statistical process control but exist some defects.
To measure how far the wombat is from the leaf, let's first find the shortest path (least squares) that the wombat has to move to reach the leaf.
The most accurate method to determine the behavior pattern of a mixed cost is least-squares regression.
If there appears to be a linear relationship test results should be established by appropriate statistical methods (e. g. by calculation of a regression line by the method of least squares).
In the theoretical calculation, the best approximations algorithm shows its practicability and superiority comparing with the method of least squares.
For a comparison, in Figure 5 we show the results of the unwrapping obtained using an unweighted least squares algorithm.
Parameter estimation in dynamical systems, example : least squares fitting of rate constants from batch reactor data, parametric sensitivity analysis.
Evidently, owing to the application of Venedikov's filter based on the least squares principle, the accuracy obtained by this method is better than that by Pertsev's.
And the weighted least squares method is presented for gaining more accurate results of correlation dimensions.
It also makes use of systems redundant information effectively by weighted least squares estimators.
The DSC data obtained are fitted to the integral, differential and exothermic rate equations by linear least-squares, iterative, combined dichotomous and least-squares methods, respectively.
Comparing with the least squares method, the advantage of this approach in that the influence of non-integer harmonic errors on the estimate of model parameters has been effectively restricted.
In this paper the nonlinear least squares solution for signal-pole estimation is offered.
A recursive least squares algorithm for linking weight between linear layers of RBF network is introduced, and a dynamic recursive algorithm of center vector is proposed.
Constrained least-squares design of two-dimensional FIR filters is considered in this paper.
The total least squares method was used in the improved algorithm to obtain the noise subspace.