Let's take the line of least resistance and pay him the money instead of fighting.
Let's take the line of least resistance and pay them the money instead of fighting.
It's human nature to choose the path of least resistance when confronted with a challenge.
When the bag side is damaged, the flue gas from the general range of least resistance after.
It may feel comfortable and returning to a habit is always the simpler path of least resistance.
The best conductor has the least resistance, and the poorest (conductor has) the greatest (resistance).
Once you have the list, start working with the point of least resistance: the situation you fear the least.
In general, try to find the path of least resistance for the sake of maintaining cordial, even friendly, relations.
For insight: because it's the path of least resistance, every man and his dog is going up and down it. Try off-road.
If you really want it to last, be patient and ease into it. Incremental implementation is the path of least resistance.
Rail must provide continuous, smooth, least resistance of rolling surfaces and good adhesion of traction to the train wheels.
Capricorn will usually work hard until the job is done, but sometimes the path of least resistance will be your surest route.
With the moving averages still bearish the charts are suggesting that the course of least resistance is still to the downside.
First, among the major cultures and civilizations of the world, China offered perhaps the least resistance to Darwinian ideas.
So keep simplicity at the back of your mind all the time, and don't confuse it with expediency, which is the path of least resistance.
The law of least resistance or shortest path of spread of stress wave as well as general propagation model of stress wave are given.
When asked to do a lot of extra work, he took the line of least resistance and agreed, though he would have preferred not to do so.
What is the path of least resistance that you can take in terms of customers (be specific here), channels, and initial product focus.
The path of least resistance is always an option for us, we don't get any additional points or blessings by making our life difficult.
You take the path of least resistance and move on to "hit the mark" and inwardly achieve your goal by assuming it is already achieved.
注意,你正在哪儿玩弄着你的目标? 选择一个你看起来已经释放过却又不断还要释放的目标。 你明白吗?
Women try to keep their dress standards higher for longer, but by the time Friday comes, they too have gone down a line of least resistance.
Injected fluids tend to follow the path of least resistance, possibly resulting in the least permeable areas receiving inadequate treatment.
You want the respect of the people around you, or you want to avoid a fight or a bout of insecurity, so you take the path of least resistance.
As Franklin demonstrated, lightning bolts follow the path of least resistance and will readily travel down materials like metal and wet string.
The path of least resistance is to just remove the jobs, which are located in the .nctp/spoolwith directory, using the rm command, and then resubmit them.
最简便的解决方法是使用rm命令删除 .nctp/spoolwith目录中的作业,然后重新提交它们。
The client wanted to make yet more changes to the proposal, so we decided to take the line of least resistance and incorporate all of them without protest.
The client wanted to make yet more changes to the proposal, so we decided to take the line of least resistance and incorporate all of them without protest.