Like all youngsters, he's straining at the leash to leave home.
Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life, but in the meantime she relies on your support.
Parents should let children leave home and find more about the world.
She chose to leave home to look for leftovers in the rubbish.
With the young unable to afford to leave home and the old at risk of isolation, more families are choosing to live together.
Xiao Zhen did not want to leave home, because he knew he couldn't live very long.
Let's leave home and move on to another place where people read books: on their commute.
Our children leave home and they don’t carry all the items of their childhood with them.
Once we leave home our brains and hearts set off in search of something the same, only better.
At the age of 16,Eddie decided to leave home and join a theater compang.His father was appalled.
艾迪16岁了,他决定离开家去参加一个剧团。 他的爸爸非常震惊。
Change electric wares into energy efficient ones and leave no more than one light open when you leave home.
Her co-author Oliver John added: "Don't wait until your kids leave home to schedule quality time with your partner."
If you have limited time in India, this is a very good way to get all your train travel pre-booked before you leave home.
It becomes even more of a challenge when we leave home in sweltering heat and then move into an air conditioned work environment.
Would you rather leave home without your wallet and be penniless all day, or leave your phone at home and be out of touch all day?
"They just didn't want to leave home," he said, adding that sometimes it took a lot of persuading to convince them to come aboard.
Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents or other guardian relatives may feel when their children leave home.
I've heard from dozens of administrators and network managers with such affection for Knoppix that they "wouldn't leave home without it."
There is no plausible instinct, for example, that could impel a man to leave home, cut his hair short, and drill for hours in tight formation.
Well before 1914 a Londoner could leave home in the early morning, lunch in Paris, cram in some shopping, and still be home in time for dinner.
Allow more time in the morning. If you're rushing to leave home, you'll arrive at work already stressed. Build at least 15-minute cushion into your commute.
I usually leave home before my wife is awake so I will plant different small presents around the house and yard with a clue leading her from one gift to the next.
Therefore, when they leave home, they might be overly sensitive to frustration and easily suffer depression that prevents them from a happy and promising future.
A global survey has found that most people can't live without their mobiles, never leave home without them and, if given a choice, would rather lose their wallet.
I knew exactly what to expect in the future. The children would grow up and leave home, my husband and I would grow old together, and we'd baby-sit the grandchildren.
"I told my family and they asked me to leave home, as they wanted to protect themselves, " Meng, who refused to reveal his exact age but said he was in his 40s, told AFP.
This generation "will have the luxury of being more discriminating" as their children leave home, notes Harry Balzer, vice President of the Chicago-based NPD consulting group.
This generation "will have the luxury of being more discriminating" as their children leave home, notes Harry Balzer, vice President of the Chicago-based NPD consulting group.