In the fifth chapter, designs a digital leave word telephone adopted G. 729a standard.
第五章设计了采用G . 729a语音编码标准的数字电话留言系统。
Leave word for all the employees that there will be a two day vacation next week for the holiday.
The strain of lilacs in the spring, full of trees then leave word color floret, that is not gorgeous, want to tip size, bloom, but pure and graceful, like a piece of purple mist blurred.
"With her" is a very teeny-tiny little word in Hebrew, so I guess a lot of translations figure they can leave it out.
Every morning he'd leave for his office, telling his wife he was writing his next play. In fact, Simon had become so engrossed in a dart game he'd devised that he had not written a word.
Not a word, however, passed his lips in allusion to it, till their visitor took his leave for the night; but as soon as he was gone, he turned to his daughter, and said.
Perhaps it would not be altogether kind to leave these misguided but no doubt well-intentioned ladies and gentlemen without a word of appreciation from their own point of view.
Gettelfinger's favorite tactic is to get up and leave the meeting without saying a word.
With her "is a very teeny-tiny little word in Hebrew, so I guess a lot of translations figure they can leave it out."
Levkoff adds that "when parents leave out the word 'pleasure' either deliberately or inadvertently we have lied to our children."
Levkoff adds that "when parents leave out the word 'pleasure,' either deliberately or inadvertently, we have lied to our children."
While traffic controllers generally have the final word in whether it is safe for a plane to land, they can and do leave it to the pilots' discretion.
Once you leave school, you won't get the new word drills and reading becomes a large part of the way in which you increase the range of words in your vocabulary.
He ended up in Guinea-Bissau, where, one night two years later, he got word that a boat for Europe would leave in a few hours.
他骑车来到Guinea - Bissau,在这里,两年前他在这里滞留了一个夜晚,有人告知他,有船将要起航到欧洲。
Take the word 'hyperpolysyllabic' as your example.It means essentially the same thing if you leave the 'hyper' off, butwhy waste a perfectly good 17 letter word?
If they see you dealing unethically with vendors, lying to stakeholders, cheating clients, or failing to keep your word, the best and most principled of them will leave.
So if you tried to leave a comment that had a word or domain that was on the blacklist, then your comment would be refused.
Maybe you have closed the web before you see these words. But since you have seen the words, why not leave your footprint here even if a single word?
No one knows the reason that they choose to leave, they didn't leave a word slice speech. But I know, they are all standing alone kids.
For example, if you've sent someone to pick up your child - they should be aware of what the code word is so they'll know not to leave with anyone else.
But since you have seen the words, why not leave your footprint here even if a single word?
Must we part in this way, St. John? And when you go to India, will you leave me so, without a kinder word than you have yet spoken?
The wedding Jiyong leave, repeat the word several times, the happy occasions Jiyong, and the old, bad, the end of the word.
The wedding Jiyong leave, repeat the word several times, the happy occasions Jiyong, and the old, bad, the end of the word.