Leaving the tumult of scents and sunlight, in the cool evening air, the mind would grow calm and the body relaxed, savoring the inner silence born of satisfied love.
Before leaving, the scientists decided to test the equipment they would use to detect airborne nitryl chloride on the cruise by sampling the air in Boulder, a mile above sea level.
After leaving the Owenses' camp Justice said he worked for the Zambian Air Force.
After leaving the Owenses' camp, Justice said, he worked for the Zambian Air Force.
With no outlet, the water that flows into the Dead Sea evaporates in the hot, arid air, leaving the minerals.
The oil floats on top of the jar and seals out air, leaving water to collect at the bottom, where it ACTS like a Petri dish for botulism.
Once Polish air space was entered, the Polish aviationauthority would secretly shepherd the flight, leaving no public documentation.
Geysers erupt mud boils and steam seeps from cliffs and sidewalks leaving a sulfurous scent in the air.
The young writer should learn to spot them - words that at first glance seem freighted with delicious meaning but that soon burst in air, leaving nothing but a memory of bright sound.
To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air.
To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air. To me, it’s an invitation.
Housing prices across the country have been soaring in the past 18 months, leaving both renters and first-time buyers gasping for air.
Geysers erupt, mud boils, and steam seeps from cliffs and sidewalks, leaving a sulfurous scent in the air.
It will be as a thousand years, with the fighting in the air, and - as has been - between those returning to and those leaving the earth.
Riding a bike, hopping a bus or taking the subway all help reduce pollution in the air we breathe, since it means leaving a car at home.
Carbon dioxide is continually entering the air as a result of burning and breathing, but it is also continually leaving the air by uniting with the rain, the oceans, rocks.
We decided to stay for a week, leaving home for the first time made me so happy, I was like a bird, flying in the sky, breathing the free air.
Long ago and after leaving the boundaries of the dream of the Great Central Sun, it was only air and ether or carbon dioxide that was Shared.
Herr voice drifted in the crisp air like sweet, crystal sugar melting slowly. So to the small gardenthey went, leaving their carefree laughter behind.
她的声波在清冽的空间扩散,像清甜的冰糖渐渐融化。年轻人留下了一串无邪的笑声。 。
Others start sneezing when leaving a cold, air-conditioned room.
A flurry lifted the roof off an internet cafe in northwest China's Xi'an city on Tuesday, leaving over 200 computers exposed in the open air, the Shaanxi based Chinese Business View reported.
Chest x-ray is often termed white out or white lung because consolidation and coalescing infiltrates pervade the lungs, leaving few recognized air spaces.
This is possible by connecting the three theaters underground, and with Bridges in the air, leaving each building independent and efficient, while liberating the ground surface as public space.
Melbourne by hot air balloon provides the ultimate in urban adventure leaving you with a lifetime of memories to share with family and friends.
Without organized leadership, the remaining Boomers slowly drifted away, leaving Nellis Air Force Base to be flooded by prospectors and scavengers.
Without organized leadership, the remaining Boomers slowly drifted away, leaving Nellis Air Force Base to be flooded by prospectors and scavengers.