Additional readings are listed in the lecture note PDF files.
Note that the lecture notes provide only a framework for discussion of the issues.
Lecture note examples are focused on the exploration of the different levels in the visual system.
Note: This list is incomplete and will be updated as additional Lecture Notes files become available.
This class features an extensive reading list, and a lecture note which summarizes the themes of the class.
Overviews and lecture note slides are available for most lectures. The additional materials shown below were handed out in class.
Please note that there are no lecture notes for the final portion of the course as class sessions focused on discussion and debate.
Note: As with most if not all academic work, the lecture notes represent the instructor's view of the material and incorporate derivations drawn from many sources.
Trying to prevent passing lecture note off as thesis, carefully publishing manuscript of superficial discussion and going over and selecting well, we may also make an important special column.
When you listen to a lecture, you can note down your questions while listening, and ask the lecturer in the Q&A session.
As I mulled over my missing more than half of each lecture, I suddenly hit upon an idea: Why not leave every other line on my note paper blank?
In the presentations, note that the blank slides indicate separate sections of the lecture.
However, the class was primarily a lecture with note-taking.
If you're not satisfied with your current note-taking skills, try building a mind map during your next class or lecture and see if you find it more helpful.
Lehmann's only other contribution of note was a theatrical lecture to Stephen Hunt.
Due date: A week after Lecture 12 . Please note that you risk of an Incomplete if you miss the due date.
Schulz, A. S. 15.057 Systems Optimization, Course Notes. Note a number of charts in this lecture are derived from notes.
Note there is no lecture on MATLAB? Day 3, but rather you are to work on your own to solve Problem Set 3.
注意,MATLAB ?第三天课并没有讲师授课,相反地你要自己解出第三个作业。
Note there is no lecture on MATLAB? Day 3, but rather you are to work on your own to solve Problem Set 3.
注意,MATLAB ?第三天课并没有讲师授课,相反地你要自己解出第三个作业。