On that occasion, the American astronomer Professor Simon Newcomb led a party to South Africa to observe the event.
Smell has been the most poorly understood of our senses, and only recently has neuroscience, led by Yale University's Gordon Shepherd, begun to shed light on its workings.
It was on Nov 4, 1923, the British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh in Luxor that eventually led to a sealed doorway.
This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies.
Their prosperity depends on export-led growth.
At the same time, a lack of forthrightness on the part of organizations has led to increased cynicism among employees about management's motivation and competence.
Memories of the first asparagus and carrots he ate from a garden years before led him to start growing product on the roof of his brownstone.
New methods developed in genetic research have led taxonomists to revise their views on the evolutionary relationships between many species.
A huge storm that collapsed part of a cliff on Israel's central coast led to the discovery of a statue dating back to the Roman period, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday.
In pursuit of revealing this complicated reality, Mothering Justice, led by women of color, went last year to the state capital in Lansing, Michigan, to lobby on issues that affect working mothers.
The far-off faint crying went on and led her.
Pinocchio led the way, running as if on wings, the others following as fast as they could.
The extinction of myriad biological species aroused deep concern which led people to an understanding of the special importance of protecting rare animals and plants on the brink of extinction.
A 2014 survey conducted in Australia, Britain, and the United States by the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that young people's reliance on social media led to greater political engagement.
Groups of about a dozen students each, led by an experienced guide, will go on ten-day camping trips to the mountains to study the plants and animals that grow and live there.
Various studies have shown that increased spending on education has not led to measurable improvements in learning.
There is a large LED screen on the stage.
舞台上有一个大 LED 屏幕。
This has led to lower water levels on the river, which has caused the river's water to decline.
As we were about to cross a busy street that was filled with traffic, you took my hand suddenly and shouted, "Hang on to me, Mom," then led me safely across.
To grow 45 beds of green vegetables, we need many things like growing cups, LED growing lights, fans, a water pump and so on.
Narasimhan said work on the display technology was born out of efforts to develop an LED automobile headlight system for driving in rain at night.
Kalista reported that this led the authors of the time to focus on public matters and spirituality.
Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.
A gallium nitride LED on sapphire has a typical internal quantum efficiency of around 70%.
This led on until it blossomed and ripened into rebellion and ruin. Let us give ourselves no liberty ever to doubt God or his love and faithfulness to us in everything and forever.
This led on until it blossomed and ripened into rebellion and ruin. Let us give ourselves no liberty ever to doubt God or his love and faithfulness to us in everything and forever.