Surgeons at Balad had removed the shrapnel-pierced part of his left frontal lobe.
Worry, on the other hand, activates a region in the left frontal lobe that is linked to speech production.
Only small part of left frontal lobe had decreased functional connectivity with right amygdala in resting state.
On the top a patient with a watershed infarct in the left hemisphere and also a cortical infarction in the left frontal lobe (arrow).
Notice that there is a variation in the brain perfusion since the left frontal lobe is supplied by the right internal carotid artery.
When Tan died, an autopsy revealed that a portion of his left frontal lobe about the size of a golf ball had been liquefied by a massive stroke years before.
Neural activity in a region of the left frontal lobe, an area known to be involved in speech production, was higher in the depressed and worried-but-not-fearful subjects.
On the brain's surface a filigree of arteries feeds blood to the region under the surgeons' urgent scrutiny: a part of her left frontal lobe critical to the production of spoken language.
In experiments with dogs, they determined that cutting nerves between the brain and its frontal lobe - the so-called "seat of reason" - left the animals quiet.
The blood flow perfusion was increased in the right central frontal gyrus, right superior temporal gyrus, right occipital lobe and left central frontal gyrus.
The main correlational language cortex included left temporal lobe and bilateral inferior frontal gyrus.
In complex substraction, for both right handed groups, activation of functional areas of frontal and parietal lobe had the left laterality.
The results also approved that the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe are closely correlated with emotional processing of neurotic individuals which may be left-hemisphere lateral.
The results also approved that the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe are closely correlated with emotional processing of neurotic individuals which may be left-hemisphere lateral.