At far right is the tower of the Woolworth building, and in the left-center is the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island.
With arms bent by your side, exhale and rotate your torso to the right. Inhale back to the center and twist to the left.
The justify option can be used to align the column values to the right, center, or left of a column.
By default, the page number is center aligned; if desired, you can leave it left or right aligned using the left or right element, respectively.
Title texts can be aligned to the left, right, and center of the page based on user need.
At far right is the tower of the Woolworth building and in left center is the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island.
We can see that the median is not in the center of the boxplot - in fact, it is positioned slightly to the left hand side of the box, indicating that there is a right skew in the dataset.
The batter hits a fly ball to the outfield, right in between the left fielder and the center fielder.
You have the option to align the titles to the left, center, or right of the page, and you can use the skip option to leave blank lines after each title.
The image must be divided into nine regions — top, top right, right, bottom right, bottom, bottom left, left, top left, and center — that you specify by an attribute in the XML file.
Locally, the border extends from approximately image top center left to image bottom center right, with the cities of Ladybrand and Manyatseng located in South Africa.
Dapper black-and-white razorbills (at right) and bright-beaked puffins (at left and in air, at center) find a haven on Scotland's Shiant Islands.
The photo on the right is from the Nanhe Sports Center in Mianyang, where thousands of people left homeless by the May 12 earthquake are living.
The HTML align values of left, center, right, and justify map to the XSL-FO text-align values of start, center, end, and justify.
HTMLalign的left 、center 、 right和justify 值映射成XSL-FO text-align 的start 、 center 、end 和 justify 。
The dimensionality of these works should be explained in this way - from any perspective, the visual image is 0.5 degrees, whether the perspective is left, center or right.
Upon entering the instance the player will be entering a lobby area that contains paths to the left, the right and down a pit in the center towards the hard mode.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Multiprogram Research Facility (right), and the Visitor Center (left), in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Photo: ORNL.
You have been forcing me to minimize left, right and center, forcing me to go for minimum expenditure on our household necessities.
Eject section can move to left and right to make boxes fall down on the center of table.
Paragraph Styles; Font Names; Font Size; Font Color; Bold ; Italic; Underline; Align Left; Center; Align Right; Bullets; Numbered List; Decrease Indent; Increase Indent.
Turn left, the driver should make turn signal, to as far as possible by the road center, for after the car and right turn the car to provide convenient;
In this paper, the center distance of driving gear is assembled according to the normal, left and right, then research its effect to micro-vehicle rear axle vibration.
The flashing display features 4 active modes, left, right, center 4 lamps or "all on".
Johnny damon stroked a run - scoring double to the gap in left - center and bobby abreu rapped a single to right , scoring another run.
Next, try full stroke swimming, breathing every 2, but now breathe right, center, left... alternating where your head is looking.
The prism effect produced by moving optical center of presbyopic glasses was put on the right and left lenses averagely by 1/2-1/3 degree of exophoria.
The prism effect produced by moving optical center of presbyopic glasses was put on the right and left lenses averagely by 1/2-1/3 degree of exophoria.