This threatens the idea of the equal right to justice, says Rebecca Love Kourlis of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System.
The idea that reading might lead wrongdoers back to the path of righteousness is deeply embedded in the system, and the right to read by adequate light is a legal stipulation.
Dialectically speaking, there exists no strict right or wrong distinction for any legal doctrine and system whose only difference is an issue of making choice with The Times.
Here analyse the human capital as a system essential and probe its effect on the structure of property right? The structure of legal person management and Business culture.
The administration compensation as a legal system serves to ensure human right protection and balance various interests.
Based on characteristics of infringement of right in environmental administration, legal counsel system is necessarily introduced into environmental proceedings of administration.
Chapter Three analyzes the flaws of the current legal system of security of right basing on the summary of the current theories and practices.
In the traditional China, the right and duty in the legal sense is mainly arranged in the framework between state and society under the influence of Confucianism and patriarchal clan system.
Third, the support of related policies and laws, especially to give legal support to the land Reserving System to hold the right to purchase the land unified.
Establishing the system of attachment in the code of civil procedures in our country for the sake of insuring the legal right, guaranteeing the persons right can be got effectively and substantially.
Damage Compensation System for divorce was established in marriage Law Amendatory 2001 to more fully guarantee the legal right of parties of marriage against some new problems.
A corresponding system of foetus right should be established in our country in order to provide the legal guarantee for the foetus' interests.
The attribution of titles to natural resources is a system of standardizing about the ownership and right to the use of natural resources, and the legal consequence that produce from this.
The third chapter is the author in view of present holds concurrent jobs the legal right safeguard question system in the school university student to consummate the conception and the suggestion.
Recovery of execution is a very important system besides the execution objection within our execution remedies system, which has an essential effect on ensuring the legal rights of the right holders.
However, there are many shortcomings in the legal-rights theory and further improvements need to be made in its research method, its category system, even in the concept of legal right itself.
The Rotterdam Rules establishes the legal system of right of goods control for the first time in the field of international maritime transport.
Where the influence of legal culture of tradition has deep roots in China, it will be a while for the system of silent right to be listed into the agenda of the legislation.
Priority system originates from Roman laws, it has developed into the right of legal mortgage.
Under this system, defendants and victims have no right to legal counsel and no opportunity to cross-examine witnesses.
The author concludes that the right to information privacy is the legal right basis ofthe personal data protection system through four layers.
The realization of the right of choosing school depends on economic conditions, the extent of universal compulsory education and development of legal system.
Protecting right of life is the mission of whole legal system especially to the civil law.
But in the system of German civil law, the legal behaviors which have the character of the abstract are not limited to behavior of real right and documentary.
As a kind of right system, the rights of offendress have a great deal of legal content.
As a kind of right system, the rights of offendress have a great deal of legal content.