The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits.
The use of a lawyer trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice.
In return for my wise counsel, he gave me the only fee I ever received for legal advice in the Elm Street Diner, a raffle ticket.
A shortage of legal advice for prisoners helps to explain both bottlenecks.
Media groups such as the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times provide legal advice.
InfoQ cannot provide legal advice, but we would like to point out a few interesting sections.
Some of the packages listed here may be illegal in your country. This page is not legal advice.
In practice, our lawyer herself implicitly assures us that we canrely on the legal advice she is giving.
When a country shifts from state to private land ownership, we provide the legal advice to smooth the way.
IP rights protection is a very complex issue, we need to get legal advice from specialists and lawyers.
A new app offering legal advice to those contemplating divorce could make the process too easy, say critics.
He has taken extensive legal advice and believes the agreements signed by Hicks and Gillett are binding.
They have set up text-message numbers so that maids trapped at home can report abuses and get free legal advice.
Prepared by Lovells for instructional and reference purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice.
The inquiry must have access to high-level legal advice, in particular a counsel to assist them in cross-questioning witnesses.
You may wish to obtain legal advice on the effect of these Legal Considerations prior to completing a Will on this web site.
The nature of the legal advice given by his firm is likely to be fiercely scrutinised in the inquiries and trials that lie ahead.
Sonsin i律所所提法律意见的性质很可能受到详细调查并在此后受到审讯。
The Fund has supported projects that provide vocational training, education, legal advice, medical and psychological assistance.
And if it is true in service industries such as investment banking or legal advice, the lower costs are clearly not passed on to customers.
In-house counsel also know that good legal advice has to trickle down from the general counsel's office to business people at all levels.
The company Wang used, Weiqing -- or "protector of feelings" -- has 59 offices across the country, and offers free legal advice and lectures.
IBM does not provide legal advice or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that the customer is in compliance with any law.
According to an advance copy of the summary, 88 percent of the companies surveyed now require international legal advice — up from 70 percent in 2009.
Download a legal template, put in the terms you have agreed on, and sign it, possibly after getting one hour of legal advice from a buddy at law school.
Download a legal template, put in the terms you have agreed on, and sign it, possibly after getting one hour of legal advice from a buddy at law school.