These nouns are related in denoting a violation or an infraction of a moral, social, or legal code.
This is correct if the "1.5" and "1.25" refer to a numbered hierarchy, such as a section of legal code.
Granted, you won't find this explicitly stated in our legal code, but that's the unspoken assumption behind our identity theft laws.
This fact explains many peculiarities of the Mishnah, which were regarded as shortcomings by those who considered it a legal code .
This paper stresses the discussion on several problems related to the legal code of Chinese administrative procedures, and proposes its own views.
If you come from a country that practises civil law (where a written legal code holds sway), then you must spend first spend a year getting a Master of Laws at an American university.
The bilateral path is becoming "more and more difficult," Ms Calmy-Rey adds, both as the EU's legal code expands and as it pushes Switzerland to sign up to near-automatic adoption of future rules.
The bilateral path is becoming "more and more difficult, " Ms Calmy-Rey adds, both as the EU's legal code expands and as it pushes Switzerland to sign up to near-automatic adoption of future rules.
If you need to adopt code governed by different open source licenses, consult competent legal counsel.
Providing a legal means to open source code was nice, but it's more important to apply open source principles to data.
This might not actually be quite legal without changing existing laws, as killing any owls is currently against California law under the state's Fish and Game Code.
This lack of standards led to a plethora of different licenses being used, and the absence of licenses resulted in legal ambiguity as to the rights downloaders might have to use the code.
The Code of Ur-Nammu: Written and between 2100 and 2050 BCE, the Code of Ur-Nammu discusses the legal philosophies of the titular Sumerian king.
《乌尔-纳姆法典》(TheCodeof Ur - nammu):写于公元前2100 - 2050年之间,《乌尔-纳姆法典》论述了名义上的苏美尔国王的法理。
This example is legal if the database supports code set Shift_JIS code points that are used in the title predicate, but fails to execute correctly on other databases.
如果数据库支持题目谓词中使用的 Shift_JIS代码点,那么这个例子是合法的,但是在其他数据库上不能正确运行。
If a BLOB containing the lone code point 0xdb is sent in to be parsed as XML, this results in an error since this is not a legal UTF-8 code point.
如果传入一个包含单独一个代码点0xdb的BLOB以将其解析为XML,那么会导致一个错误,因为这不是合法的UTF - 8代码点。
A common license for all code on OpenNTF is important so that companies don't have to do a legal evaluation of each snippet of code from OpenNTF.
为OpenNTF上的所有代码提供一个公共许可非常重要,这样公司就不需要对来自 OpenNTF各代码片段执行合法性估计。
If your company does business with a public ca, you need to consider the vendor's level of service, legal liability and responsibility, code of ethics, and Certificate Practice Statement (CPS).
如果您的公司和公共ca打交道,您需要考虑供应商的服务水平、法律上的义务和责任、商业道德记录和CertificatePracticeStatement (CPS)。
Even if Skype's founders had won their legal IP claims — they eventually settled, in exchange for an ownership piece — the buyers likely believed they could rewrite the necessary code.
The civil law code of our country in the future should enact and perfect it, based on the achievement the civil law system and common law legal system had gained.
As an indispensable legal principle in fast-changing modern life, the principle of change of circumstances shall have its position in the future Civil Code.
The bills of lading and carriage contract which proved by voyage charter party are apposed and can be adjusted by the same Maritime Code, therefore the inherent unification of both has legal basis.
There was no absolute civil law code in ancient China, but we can find out factual civil legal criterion among a series of dispersive legal origins.
The law applicable, to find a legal issue on the settlement of law, not merely just to find a place to be looking for the relevant provisions of the often points at different parts of the Civil Code.
Andy Hunt: as an anecdote, on one project Dave and I were implementing legal requirements in code. These were actual laws that had been passed.
As China's current "Code of Civil Procedure" had some lack of legal provisions on withdrawal, plaintiffs' recalling with arbitrary seriously violated the principle of parties' equal rights.
The energetic harm question took a legal concept to appear in front of the common people may trace to 1896 "the German Code civil", until now already had more than 100 years history.
The making of European Civil Code is one of the important issues of the European legal integration.
The making of European Civil Code is one of the important issues of the European legal integration.