In the history of modern western legal thought, natural law and legal positivism are the great two schools.
Taking all this into consideration, it is safer to say that legal positivism is more comprehensive and reliable.
In Habermas's eyes, "the legitimacy of legality" of the legal positivism cancels the research into the rational basis of the law's legitimacy.
Legal positivism is an important legal school in western history of law, which plays a great role in the development of western legal thoughts.
Thomas Hobbes explained internal connections of sovereignty and positive law. Hence, sovereignty became the central concept in legal positivism.
This is sometimes known as the doctrine of legal positivism, which is to say that law is the command of the sovereign, a sort of command theory of law.
Thus, the positivity of legal positivism is different from the positivity of society and history that sociological school of law and historical school of law.
The natural law theory and the legal positivism are two theories that are antagonistic towards each other, as well as having great influence on the field of philosophy of law.
John Austin was viewed as "the father of English jurisprudence" and the pioneer of legal positivism, whose ideas had a profound impact on the legal theory of later generations.
It results from the blind faith that the judicial outlook of legal textism and positivism holds, both theoretically and practically, on the objectivity of right.
Along with the decline of positivism and the rise of theoretical psychology, the legal status of philosophical psychology will be recognized and consolidated.
Lon Fuller (b. 1902) has turned a critical searchlight on both juridical positivism and legal realism.
Due to the simplified comprehension, the legal school of analytical positivism has been misunderstood and queried all the time.
Due to the simplified comprehension, the legal school of analytical positivism has been misunderstood and queried all the time.