In particular, legal-process outsourcing is booming, as law firms parcel out some of their more basic work to reduce costs.
Thomson Reuters, a media and information-services company, bought Pangea3, a legal-process outsourcing firm with most of its lawyers in Mumbai, in November.
媒体与信息服务公司Thomson Reuters(汤姆森路透)在11月购买了一家法务外包公司,Pangea3,其公司大多数的律师都在孟买。
Thomson Reuters, a media and information-services company, bought Pangea3, a legal-process outsourcing firm with most of its lawyers in Mumbai, in November.
媒体与信息服务公司Thomson Reuters(汤姆森路透)在11月购买了一家法务外包公司,Pangea3,其公司大多数的律师都在孟买。