Punitive damages system is a system which has been quarrelling in common law legal family country. It has greatly influenced countries of civil law legal country.
The discussion of legal effect of unauthorized disposal contracts derived from article 51 of china contract law is significantly important to the construction of China civil law system.
Canada has the further advantage of being at the crossroads of the world's two main legal traditions, the civil law system, and the common-law system.
General clause of tort law in the countries of the continental law system is the basis of claim of judicial remedy of civil legal interest.
The civil law code of our country in the future should enact and perfect it, based on the achievement the civil law system and common law legal system had gained.
Although the grant contracts only a small part of civil vast system, but because of unique social and legal value grant contract become an indispensable part of civil law.
In view of this situation, common law and civil law have adopted the different regulations method which is based on the different value judgment and the legal logic system.
Part iv discusses the practice in the existing legal mechanisms of substance justice consummating formal justice in adjudgement in the common law and civil law system.
The civil law system and the common law system have two different entrances of legal classification.
In worldwide scope, there is legal precedent system of administration whether in common law legal system countries or in many civil law legal system countries.
Therefore, a centralized legislation model should be adopted to establish the system of prescription in order to embody that prescription is a legal organic unity and a basic system of civil law.
Civil law as the basis of the modern legal system contains a profound cultural accumulation and rich flavor of the humanities.
This paper also summarizes on the basic constituent of securities transaction contract through a comparative study with some other legal system in civil law.
The regulations in our country's guardianship system are mainly represented in General Principles of the civil Law and relevant civil legal regulations.
Penal compensation is a particular legal relief system of common law in England and the U. s. A. It is also a new topic for study on China's civil law and civil legislations.
There are many difficulties on the aspects of constitution and legal status of corporation representative among countries of common law system and civil law system.
The director is regarded as the member of the company organ in the civil law system, based on the theory of the legal man entity.
But in the system of German civil law, the legal behaviors which have the character of the abstract are not limited to behavior of real right and documentary.
Protecting right of life is the mission of whole legal system especially to the civil law.
This section analyzes other countries, particularly civil law countries and regions constitute the elements of unjust enrichment system, and legal effect.
The system of legal act has been set up in modern civil law which embodies the principle of autonomy of private law, and in which the dual structure of legal act has been created also.
Tang's law is regarded as the classical creation in the history of Chinese legal system because it includes many provisions of civil law.
Unjust Enrichment is very important in the civil law system. The precondition of researching Unjust Enrichment is how to understand the"no legal reasons"correctly.
Theory of the civil law that belongs to the continental legal system has also had a great effect on Anglo-American legal system.
As an important system in civil law, limited liability applies to the specified succession system in law of succession and legal person system.
The prosecution in terms of public interest litigation system in the civil law or common law are very important system, also has legal provisions and mature judicial practice.
Singapore accepted the common law tradition and its legal system on international civil procedure jurisdiction is very advanced, which play an important part in the conflict of laws in Singapore.
The establishment of the system of natural person in civil law in modern times marks the establishment of equal and perfect legal personality.
The legal act is an important civil law concept in the mainland legal system. As the drawn-up thing of the law technology, it has the special significance in the law technology.
There are two main effect of legal act system: one is the establishment of the structure of "subject-legal cause-civil rights" in civil law;