Even were they absolutely hers it would be passing mean to enrich herself by a legal title to them which was not essentially hers at all.
Mr DE Soto found that it took on average 500 days to register a small bakery in Egypt, or ten years to obtain legal title to a vacant plot of land.
Leases can be used to strip out and hide value: legal title is with one entity; the property is then leased on preferential terms to a related entity;
In the countries of Anglo-American Law System, the trustee has the legal title of the trust property, while the beneficiary has the equitable title of it.
The Enclosure ACTS refer to those ACTS which enabled wealthier landowners to seize any land to which tenants could prove no legal title and to divide into enclosed fields.
Given the long history of public control over waterways, no individual claiming to own legal title to a public waterway can really have a firm expectation of uninhibited use of his "property".
The only thing left now is to get title insurance—the piece of paper that ensures that the property is free of liens that could prevent it from legal sale—and to officially transfer the funds.
This example is legal if the database supports code set Shift_JIS code points that are used in the title predicate, but fails to execute correctly on other databases.
如果数据库支持题目谓词中使用的 Shift_JIS代码点,那么这个例子是合法的,但是在其他数据库上不能正确运行。
In return the company will cover the legal costs in case of a title dispute and compensate for the agreed value of the art if their client loses the ownership dispute.
This is not only the solution to the legal dilemma caused by the separation of documents and goods under B/L or other documents of title, but also meets the realistic need of right-securitization.
The early study of international institutions had the obvious features of the formal or legal institutional analysis with the title of old institutionalism.
Others think that deposit receipt is the document of title and is real right legal relation.
Economic law is the general title of legal regulations, which adjust the economic relation occurred during the economy operating process coordinated and intervened by the state.
Normative legal documents, as original works, are the products of intellectual activities; as a result, it is undoubtedly to use book title mark when they are quoted.
"Subcontractor" means the person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person, but not (except with the consent of the contractor) any assignee.
The change of title to realty based on non-juristic act does not depend on registration for its legal effect, but can become effective as soon as the legally provided factual conditions are met.
Examples of such costs include broker commissions, legal and title transfer fees and closing costs necessary to transfer title.
Pick a working title Start a blog (this is a great founder blog) Look into the legal structure Pick a mantra over a business plan.
There were14 enterprises granted the title as "National Demonstration entity of Legal Software Application, which ranked first in the whole country."
Delivery of commodity housing should be title certificate according to legal principle theory. Standard of delivery can improve with the development of social in an orderly way.
Therefore the title of chapter 10in Civil Procedural law"the Coercive Measurds to Perverting of Civil Proceedings"should be amended to "Legal Responsibilities".
We should abstract the advance experience abroad, specifying the domain conditions on Retention of Title institution to promote the development of our legal system and economic.
We should abstract the advance experience abroad, specifying the domain conditions on Retention of Title institution to promote the development of our legal system and economic.