NTC officially recognised Syrian demonstrators as the legitimate authority in Syria.
Protecting moral people from external evils and upholding the moral order (legitimate authority).
He's enthusiastic about the 'process of extension of legitimate authority to actors other than the state'.
Even the expulsion of Satan from heaven was not sufficient to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the legitimate authority of God.
This is still a huge question for us when we think about nation building and building new states, how to create a legitimate authority.
SINCE no man has a natural authority over his fellow, and force creates no right, we must conclude that conventions form the basis of all legitimate authority among men.
He later told writer Mark Stephens, "at that point, after hearing so many contradictory statements, I felt Dr." Sternglass was just as much a legitimate authority as anybody else was.
Ensuring the legitimate exercise of authority and decision-making.
This meant that the state had to share its authority with other equally legitimate human institutions.
What renders authority legitimate or respectable?
While legitimate manufacturers are taking steps against counterfeiting, they lack the expertise, resources, and authority required to track down and prosecute illicit Botox laboratories.
In the real world, the certificates are typically themselves signed by some trusted authority such as VeriSign or an internal entity so you know that the public key is legitimate.
On the one hand, classical organization theory emphasizes formal lines of authority in a hierarchical organization, implying (as Barnard observed) that legitimate commands are typically carried out.
"We need urgently to achieve Palestinian unity and the reunification of Gaza with the West Bank within the framework of the legitimate Palestinian Authority," he said.
The modern public administration by law theory, to command certain affairs authority has been awarded the legitimate public authority.
The Dragon of Light is worshipped as the Sun God and the patron of (legitimate) Authority, Truth, Honor and Justice.
At all levels shall adopt measures within the scope of their authority to protect consumers' legitimate rights and interests.
At all levels shall adopt measures within the scope of their authority to protect consumers' legitimate rights and interests.