Just imagine the situation when we are getting into trouble but no one is reluctant to lend a hand to us.
One has to take comfort in the hope that there are still large number of good people out there who have decency to lend a hand to the needy.
Zhu Jun (see photo), the major investor of Shanghai Shenhua soccer club, is likely to lend a hand to the needy basketball team, Shanghai Sharks.
But also conducive to protect the functionality to the letter of credit and we hope to lend a hand to the people who is learning and working related to the foreign trade.
As they lend a hand to others, let us give volunteers a hand by applauding their global citizenship and their commitment to building a future of peace, prosperity and dignity for all.
The neighbours are always willing to lend a hand.
That's why communities have special people ready to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it.
When he saw some hikers still searching, he decided to lend a hand.
The story touched many people's hearts and they wanted to lend Kevin a hand.
I'll never forget her smile as I rushed forward to lend her a hand.
I was going to ask him to lend me a hand when he came just in time.
Aid workers say part of the problem is the thousands of volunteers who are driving here hoping to lend a hand.
PAKSBAB’s founder, Darcey Donovan P.E., left for Northern Pakistan to lend a hand in rebuilding the devastatedregion.
On the West Coast, other designers see their work as a way to lend a hand where the virus is hurting people the worst.
However, he always tried his best to help Lizzie out and understand her and was always available to lend a helping hand.
The motivation for my actions can be totally ego-driven and selfish, but as long as they’re also aligned with helping others, the larger body loves to lend a hand.
我的行为动机可能完全是由 自我驱动和自私的,但只要这种 自我 驱动和自私能够同帮助他人结合起来,上层的“躯体”就会帮上一手。
An old legend relates that long ago God had a great many burdens which he wished to have carried from one place to another on earth, so he asked the animals to lend a hand.
By following these ideas, it will help ensure that people will continue to lend a hand when you ask.
If you would like to lend a hand and you're hesitant because it is not clear that you have the means, do not give an answer immediately.
If you're working on something interesting and are in need of some assistance, encouragement, or advice, I'm happy to lend a hand.
Jordan is still protective of his legacy as the greatest player ever, and he's never been terribly motivated to lend a hand in the overtaking of that.
Armed with a lifetime of savings and with just one child, parents are only too willing to lend a hand — and sometimes twice.
Here, the normally capable and confident Kate allows the prince to look after her attire, while she reaches up with her left hand to lend a little support.
To lend a bigger hand to mid - or low-placed sides like Villa and Sheffield, the Premier League could learn from the NBA.
Okay, so you have stumbled across the most sensitive, perceptive Pisces friend who is always willing to lend you a helping hand.
Mrs Liu wanted to lend a helping hand, but her colleague stopped her, saying that Liu would get herself into trouble if the elderly woman accused her of causing her to fall.
We were not on the same path in the end, and I could not be your pride, even I was unable to lend a hand when you needed me.
"Here, let me help you with that," means that the next time you need help, someone may be there to lend you a hand.
Take the onus to lend a helping hand.
It also means that, when one part of the country suffers a disaster, the rest of the country is likely to be unaffected by that particular event and can lend a crucial helping hand.