As a result many rivers and lakes are polluted and there is less and less water for us to drink.
Less salty surface waters would be less dense and therefore less likely to sink and stir up deep water.
Corn uses less water than rice and creates less fertilizer runoff.
European washing machines, Jobs discovered, used less detergent and less water than their American counterparts, and were easier on the clothes.
While there’s no data on vegan diets, one study found that vegetarian diets used 2.9 times less water and 2.5 times less energy in food production than a diet containing meat and poultry.
And as CPV requires less photovoltaic material than traditional photovoltaic technology, it likewise requires less water than concentrating solar power systems.
Compared with paper bags, producing plastic ones USES less energy and water and generates less air pollution and solid waste.
We need to grow more food to feed the human population, and it needs to be done on less land and with less water.
We can do this by shifting our consumption patterns towards goods that use less energy, water and other resources, and by wasting less food.
Water is polluted we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down some animals is getting less and less.
Clarke said the wheat straw packaging USES 40% less energy to produce, 90% less water, and costs less to make than traditional packaging.
With the freshwater becoming less and less, how to make use of and to protect the groundwater is calling our attention, for which simulation of water fluid and water quality is essential.
For ship yard, cooling side no water pumps, ductwork, inlet filters, vlves, electrical equipment and savings are need, less installation cost, Fot the owner, less maintenance.
The shortage of water make it necessary to collect the rainfall. Cellars are used widely for their advantage of less area, less material, lower fee and better quality water.
Lakes, swamps, and rivers make up less than 0.3 percent of fresh water and less than. 01 percent of all the water on Earth.
If we such pollute water, the water recourse will get less and less. We destroyed the environment is equal to destroy our living situation.
Third and fourth, by containing sprawl, Chinese cities will use less water and consume less farmland.
As the water level in the cabins rose and the ship sank inch by inch, the dreadful storm and waves posed less and less menace to the ship that gradually recovered stability.
Now Granular's software is helping a handful of farmers manage their farms more efficiently, using less water and less fertilizer.
Two routes can not be worn in the same tube, wire and heating, hot water, gas pipe between the parallel distance should not be less than 300mm, the cross should not be less than 100mm.
The straight blow-off pipe has less blow-off resistance, the flushing area of the swirl nozzles and the fan nozzles is large, the water pressure is high, and the water consumption is less.
直管排污管的排污阻力小,旋 流喷嘴、扇形喷嘴的冲洗面积大、水压高、用水量小。
The straight blow-off pipe has less blow-off resistance, the flushing area of the swirl nozzles and the fan nozzles is large, the water pressure is high, and the water consumption is less.
直管排污管的排污阻力小,旋 流喷嘴、扇形喷嘴的冲洗面积大、水压高、用水量小。