They are less exposed to stress caused by external factors.
Over time, this means Americans are ever less exposed to contrary views.
Citi is much less exposed to its home market than is its arch-rival, Bank of America (BofA).
All EU countries should now urgently look for ways to make themselves less exposed to supply disruptions.
In good times, most of the economy's impetus came from within so it was less exposed to trouble from without.
But the output of goods less exposed to low-cost competition, such as cars and chemicals, has grown (see chart).
In other words, residents of Quebec are far less exposed to prescription drug advertising than English speaking Canadians.
As a result, Britain is much less exposed to a run on its own Banks by depositors holding foreign currencies than Iceland was.
Greece is expected to hold up better because it is less exposed to the global economy (" a good thing for a bad reason, "notes one policymaker).
Britain is far less exposed to a run on its Banks by foreign depositors than Iceland was, says Ben Broadbent, an economist at Goldman Sachs.
Expectations in 2007 and 2008 of a "decoupling" between the crisis-hit economies of the west and the less exposed emerging markets have vanished.
In good times, most of the economy's impetus came from within so it was less exposed to trouble from without.Another factor is the French government.
In good times, most of the economy's impetus came from within so it was less exposed to trouble from without. Another factor is the French government.
Many people whose homes have been destroyed are living in relatively small camps, which means they are less exposed to the risk of respiratory and other infections.
Indonesia has proved to be less exposed to the global recession than many of its neighbours, and its economy expanded by 4.2% year on year in the first half of 2009.
During the borrowing binge, creditors were so eager to throw money at companies that they doled out far more loans than bonds-even though loans are much less exposed to public scrutiny.
After three months, the women's skin was moister, smoother, and less scaly and red when exposed to ultraviolet light.
They're willing to make more trips to haul back less wood, which carries a greater risk of being exposed to predators.
When these mice were exposed to chemicals in the blood of other types of mice, the obese mice ate less and lost weight.
Although the analysis is still ongoing, we anticipate that the number of exposed services will be less than 200.
So stocks in the heart of the eurozone, the area with many Banks that are highly exposed to Greek and Spanish debts, are actually down a bit less (on average) than the US.
They found that mice with an inactive version of the gene scratched less when exposed to itchy things than mice with an active gene.
That night we slept in a tent -- more or less the same as sleeping exposed, except you can't see the stars.
Young people who are exposed to multiple anti-tobacco advertisements on television and who can describe these ads accurately are less likely to take up smoking than their peers, study findings show.
It would have exposed us to excessive risk and would have been unfair to the customer, had we found out that their technical requirements could be satisfied for much less.
The World Health Organization says recent studies prove the more young people are exposed to tobacco advertising, the more likely they are to start smoking and the less likely they are to quit.
People who produce more spindles are less likely to wake up when exposed to any form of noise, the study found
DHH: the more people get exposed to modern development frameworks like Rails, the less likely they are going to take crap from the mainstream environments.
DHH: the more people get exposed to modern development frameworks like Rails, the less likely they are going to take crap from the mainstream environments.