The on-going model of lesson study in some countries may shine some light on our classroom assessment.
If only my misfortune might serve as a lesson to disobedient boys who refuse to study!
A new study published in Cognition found that, in at least one real-world situation, a single ethics lesson may have had lasting effects.
A study has found that educational TV shows come with an added lesson that influences the child's behavior.
On video, Doctor Zhong Nanshan encouraged teenagers to study hard in the first lesson of this term.
If there's one lesson from the USA Track and Field study, said Dr. Pereles, it is that "sudden changes are probably not a good idea."
Berg, Sophia may be a Greek name, but that is no reason for you to study your neighbor in a Greek lesson.
And, if it is right, this study also confirms a lesson learned by generations of bar-room tough guys and schoolyard bullies: if you want attention, get angry.
We just wanted to relax. But at our first English Lesson on how to improve our study the teacher told us," There is no end to learning.
Central Banks have learned this lesson again and again through history and Ireland may prove yet another case study.
America's "work-study lesson plan," the German "dual vocational training system," Japan's "industry cooperation" training system, have received very good results.
It's the lesson Scrooge learned the hard way - and now a study has revealed the moral behind Dickens' classic a Christmas Carol may be true after all.
In the afternoon we have two math lessons and one music lesson. Math is difficultbut I study hard. And we sing a beautiful song.
First, I will do the work within the lesson from the class starts again in the quiz, seriously each lesson, active, good study, every test for examination to 100 points.
Culture and advertisement is an involves extensive research lesson, I study the advertising visual focus from the viewpoint of popular culture in this article.
For example, when you buy English lessons from Showay English, we will tell you that you must study that one lesson at least 30 days, one full month, for a unit.
Billy: Sure. This is an important lesson, so pay close attention. If you can, get a friend to help you study today's helpful dialogues.
To study and summarize the successful experience, to find out the lesson, which contribute to every post of Tarim Basin to start on the same platform after reorganization, march towards higher goal.
Chinese novel history top many continuous book, this is a literature phenomenon that ream person think deeply, and also is our country ancient times novel study of an importance lesson.
This lesson helps the children get to know each other, study polite greetings, and begin class.
The Leonardo drawing shown in this lesson is a good example of his careful study of every detail.
Through participation in the activities of study and a single object-lesson preparation and self-exploration in materials analysis to demonstrate the involvement of participating objects.
Taking the lesson after school is good way to improve study, but kids need some rest, parents need to balance it.
Object To study the dynamic growth and reproduction of Hirudinaria manillensis Lesson in laboratory with providing the data of artificially breeding leech in the field.
Therefore, the cause and lesson of Soviet drastic change have been the hot topics which the academic circles study.
In this listening lesson, we are going to study how to express sympathy and give advice. We are also going to look at health problems.
In this listening lesson, we are going to study how to express sympathy and give advice. We are also going to look at health problems.