Let me remind you that they're going to be grading many of your things.
Let me introduce you to some of the topics we are going to be covering in chemistry this semester.
No matter, let him call me what he will, so it please him; I shall be content.
Before we discuss the joint practices, let me be clear about what the practices are and are not.
There--let me cover thy head also--thou'lt be warm the sooner.
Let me just call my mom and let her know I'll be home a little bit later.
"As I can't be father," he said heavily, "I don't suppose, Michael, you would let me be baby?"
Anne and Emily have written good books too, and their books will soon be published as well! Let me introduce them to you, papa.
You bet. Just let me know when, and I'll be there.
Professor King will be delivering his lecture in a moment, but let me introduce him first.
As you only have a short stay in Shanghai, you probably will not be able to do much more sightseeing. But if I can help in any other way, please let me know.
Let me, as a witness, tell them what happened so that they will not be wrongly informed.
Let me be a part of your life but don't surrender your life for mine.
Let me be Your balm, To heal Your unseen wounds.
If so, let me be bold enough to offer a stern warning. Never threaten your partner or act in any way that frightens, intimidates or abuses her.
I used to complain that God was not fair to me to let me be born into a poor farmer's family, but now I will not think that way.
To those who would spread lies, and to those who would spread falsehoods and rumours about the tea-party movement, let me be very clear to them.
Let me be as they are, I beseech thee, for their days are as the days of flowers.
There will be - let me say it again - there will be no earmarks in this economic recovery plan.
Please, don't let me be proud if I succeed, or fall in despair if I fail. Remind me that failure is the experience that precedes triumph.
Let me be clear, I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments.
And let me be clear: NATO should be seeking collaboration with Russia, not confrontation.
Lest readers think I am against renewables let me be clear: I've put my money into this technology.
He smirked as they spoke, challenged the premises of their questions, offered frequent lectures of "let me be clear," and often responded to questions by asking questions of his own.
Just to be clear, let me repeat: in duplicate bridge, you are playing the same CARDS as your opponents. The luck of the deal is basically eliminated.
So let me be clear about where I stand: not only do I not believe it, but I can't understand why anyone would take comfort from it.
Then Gideon said to God, "Do not be angry with me." Let me make just one more request.
Then Gideon said to God, "Do not be angry with me." Let me make just one more request.