Blood vessels in the head tighten to stop the loss of body heat and then relax to let blood flow rise; that sudden rush of blood is what causes the headache.
Wear roomy clothing, especially at the wrists and ankles, to let blood flow to the extremities.
The Five-Animal Exercises are well-designed to help blood circulation (循环), and let the energy go smoothly in the body so as to improve the health.
Let it be quick now, was all I could hope as the flow of blood from my head sucked my consciousness away with it.
But when researchers blocked production of that heat shock protein and let mosquitoes feast, the blood meal sat longer in their guts.
Do not offer the blood of a sacrifice to me along with anything containing yeast, and do not let any of the sacrifice from the Passover Feast remain until morning.
There is no Jacquerie; society may rest assured on that point; blood will no longer rush to its head. But let society take heed to the manner in which it breathes.
He had Martin Bormann check that there was no Jewish blood in her family, and let Eva attend party meetings under the guise of "official photographer."
The Merricks took her out of the poorhouse years ago; and if her loyalty would let her, I guess the poor old thing could tell tales that would curdle your blood.
It has an operating theatre but nobody qualified to do surgery, and hardly any drugs, let alone a blood bank.
As a doctor takes a patient's pulse or blood pressure reading to determine if the patient is ill, we take readings of our rhythms to let us know if something is wrong with our agile process.
If you don't let your blood sugar crash then you are less likely to crave an intake of sugar.
Insulin signals the body to let that blood sugar into cells to use as fuel and to store the rest in the muscles.
And fortunately what we are trying to do in making kind of an ultimate app is that let diabetics look back and see what they ate, the insulin they took and what their blood sugars were.
Then said she, I pray thee, let the king remember the LORD thy God, that thou wouldest not suffer the revengers of blood to destroy any more, lest they destroy my son.
Blood truth, the lesson written in blood, let us consider once again the quiet security of this heavy topic!
Let the phlebotomist know if you have a preferred arm and show the staff any good veins that have been used successfully in the past to draw blood.
Step by step falling from it, want to write some drops of blood text, let oneself put the articles may end drop, but no way to disconnect from the kingdom forever missing.
Circulate to let the blood of both hands more unobstructed, want to undertake massage of course.
Don't let the child to do, like blood circulation impeded, would hamper children enhanced physique.
Seek the old blood. Let us pray... let us wish... to partake in communion. Let us partake in communion... and feast upon the old blood.
Netanyahu said he couldn’t release Hamas members or others with blood on their hands, and he thought no more than five hundred could be let go.
Let us celebrate 50 years of peace and security, underwritten by the blood and sweat of generations of NSmen.
Let him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed.
Often used can stimulate blood circulation, and improve the immunity of skin cells to produce collagen which can accelerate its regeneration and let skin become firmer and more elastic.
Two "vampires" have been arrested after they stabbed a man who refused to let them drink his blood, Arizona police say.
Two "vampires" have been arrested after they stabbed a man who refused to let them drink his blood, Arizona police say.