Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the enchantress climbed up to her.
Through a window I was let down in a basket by the wall, andescaped his hands.
And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands.
Then Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the enchantress climbed up to her.
Mr James said he felt let down by the show's producers, who allowed him to go on the show.
I didn't want to let down the lads though I was more worried about what the manager might say.
The world cannot let down its guard and WHO must help the world remain and become better prepared.
世界不能放松警惕。 世卫组织必须协助各国严阵以待,做好更充分的准备。
But they are still very good players. If you let down, they see, they smell it, they take advantage of it.
That might sound like a let down for economies that enjoyed average growth of 9% in the three years to 2007.
By that test, the West let down the Bahrainis: sterner talk from Mr Obama may have deterred their attackers.
We do our best to get ourselves in this position and for two years running we get let down by bad refereeing.
My arms and legs were too long, not for the suits, which my mother had let down for me, but for my own movements.
Somehow people know just how to make you feel hurt, angry, insulted, let down, disappointed, abandoned, betrayed.
But he was let down by lecturers who pieced together information available online and gave a shallow introduction.
Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
When you feel like giving up on your training, you can think about all of the supporters you won't want to let down.
Aziraphale healed bicycles and broken bones; he longed to steal a few radios, let down some tires, that sort of thing.
If you base your emotions on the need for certain things to happen, you will likely be let down a great deal of the time.
Many e-shoppers have become all too familiar with this feeling of being let down and have, in fact, given up complaining.
So if you were looking for a whole array of novel VoiceXML tricks and techniques, you may feel that you've been let down.
But if the generals have not always done well by the politicians, the politicians have far more often let down the generals.
I've always loved my country and felt very strongly about it... but now I'm embarrassed, disappointed, let down, and ashamed.
She had no right to feel let down, Siyu thought. Nevertheless, it disappointed her that Professor Dai had not told him much about her.
It does not mean, however, that you will lock yourself up in a tower and wait for your Prince Charming to ask you to let down your hair.
Its expert researchers and analysts still continue in their work, but sometimes feel let down by what the leadership chooses to showcase.
Said Dr Chan, "The threat has by no means receded, and we would be very unwise to let down our guard or slacken our preparedness measures."
"While reports from Mexico appear to be encouraging, and some are cautiously optimistic, we cannot afford to let down our vigilance," she said.
Although more and more patients are being cured, there are millions who are being let down because they are unable to access high-quality care.
Although more and more patients are being cured, there are millions who are being let down because they are unable to access high-quality care.