If we value something not as a means to something else, but for its own sake, let us say that it has "intrinsic value".
Let us say that the cashier at the store is rude to you, so you are rude back.
Now it is to A, let us say, who has credit that the banker would make his loan.
I think the loss ought to be Shared by both parties - let us say half and half.
Let us say that you wanted to create a desktop shortcut to connect to a particular server.
Let us say that there is karma for causing disease in others in other ancestral lives.
In this harvest season, Let us say to our teachers: "Thanks for the teachers' hard work!"
If you're not feeling eloquent enough to explain your decision to others, let us say it for you.
Let us say that you are ill and desire to recover from a particular disease that is ailing you.
Thus, at once, we find ourselves in a world which is, let us say, that of "inter-subjectivity".
Let us say you live in a little Hawaiian shack by the beach, and the property upon either side is sold.
Let us say that you do not run on Windows 98 and Windows nt 4.0 in your environment, do you need this group?
让我们说一下,要是没有windows98和windowsNT 4.0在你的环境里,你还需要这个组吗?
If we value something not as a means to something else but for its own sake, let us say that it has “intrinsic value”.
I must say the error was on both sides and I think the loss ought to be shar - Ed by both parties, let us say half and half.
The Thames in those days was little more than an open sewer and the water in which I found myself was, let us say, far from healthy.
Let us say for example that we have a database table that contains a huge number of columns consisting of esoteric names like l_nme and f_nme.
I am forgetting yesterday. I can not give you my heart, forgive me, ariza! Let us say goodbye to yesterday, I believe tomorrow you will come back.
Let us say at once that later on, after the action, when the bodies were taken to the morgue and searched, a police agent's card was found on Le Cabuc.
Before you ask the question, let us say that we could not interfere with that liaison, because the aliens took advantage of the Law of Attraction.
How often do you feel tired in your physical body, or suffer pain and disability, well let us say that all of it will be put behind you when you rise up.
If a person is, let us say, very good at tennis and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply "Yes", because people will think him conceited.
If a person is, let us say, very good at tennis, and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply "Yes," because people will think him conceited.
If a person is, let us say, very good at tennis, and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply "Yes," because people will think him conceited.