From where I stood, I could clearly see him write the letter n, followed by the letter o.
So in a 4 page novel how many words would you expect to find ending in "ing" and in 4 pages of a novel how many words would you expect to find that include the letter "n"?
My wife plays SIGN, with the N on a triple-letter, for 10 points.
The girl did not want to be a(n) burden to him, she wrote to him saying that she did not wish to wait any longer, with the letter, she sent the ring back to him.
As you would expect, the first letter is a Roman character. But the second one as well. Although it's not totally vertical, it still has the same construction as the first 'n'.
For this reason the logo is formed as a cyclic "n" letter.
This text combines N. T. Wright's translation of the New Testament with his comments on each portion of the Letter to the Hebrews.
This text combines N. T. Wright's translation of the New Testament with his comments on each portion of the Letter to the Hebrews.