Yet you do not have to share his taste for banning chemicals to agree with his prediction that American industry will want stricter standards to create a level playing-field at home.
Open science also offers junior researchers the chance to level the playing field by gaining better access to crucial data.
Progressives often support diversity mandates as a path to equality and a way to level the playing field.
It can't be denied that the College Entrance Examination creates a relatively level playing field for students from all family background.
We are so envious of what others have, that we try to level the playing field in our minds, by buying our way up to their "status".
Through promoting the sharing of educational resources, the Internet can level the playing field for students from different backgrounds.
Whichever field you were in and at whichever level, you were competing against other similar sites on a fairly level playing field.
So if you give away a product, making it easy to get large market share, and you let everyone play on a level playing field, it should be easy to develop a thriving ecosystem.
Ultimately, all that the United States seeks is a level playing field for its companies, where the cost and quality of their products determines whether or not they win business.
They once asked me for advice about purchasing a COTS human-resources system, and I advised them against it: why should they put themselves on a level playing field with their competitors?
他们曾就购买COTS 人力资源系统咨询过我的意见,我建议他们不要那样做:为什么要让自己置身于一个和对手公平竞争的环境呢?
We share an interest in improving governance and strengthening institutions to create a level playing field for business.
One reasonably safe bet is that a new Basel agreement, however onerous, will provide the basis for a level playing field on capital and liquidity.
But for this competition to benefit us both, it must take place on a level playing field with rules that are clear and treat all countries fairly and equally.
The fact that I engaged with the men under the premise of art created, to an extent, a level playing field: everyone was taking a risk.
The German public is a long way from accepting it; yet it is clearly needed in order to reestablish a level playing field in Europe.
In the wireless age, we should be able to have a level playing field in which an idea - an entrepreneur - will be judged by the content of its concept rather than by the color of its maker.
For all his talk of only seeking a level playing field for native applicants, I think he is hinting that employers are unreasonably shunning Britons.
This points out that contests really need clear guidelines and rules to ensure a level playing field for all participants.
It would be one thing if these efforts were conducted on a level playing field, but the reality is they're not.
And it means expanding broadband access to millions of Americans, so business can compete on a level-playing field, wherever they're located.
This creates a more level playing field for anyone who wants to build tools to support that technology.
In several cases the directorate insisted that Banks pay a higher rate on their state aid than had been proposed in order to maintain a level playing field, for example.
If you don't, you are purposely putting yourself on a level playing field with your competitors rather than building something exactly suited to your current and future needs.
The question is how are we going to have a level playing field so that new energy companies can compete fairly and kick some ass?
As befits its economic global rank China is providing a level playing field for all firms, domestic or foreign alike.
Until the Glazers' drain on our finances is removed, we will never be able to compete on a level playing field with the best in the world.
Until the Glazers' drain on our finances is removed, we will never be able to compete on a level playing field with the best in the world.