Some funds use leverage effect only in order to reduce losses, as it is not enough.
The OTC financial derivatives market has huge risk due to the information asymmetry and leverage effect.
Further, ARMA-GJR-M model is obtained to reflect leverage effect of good and bad news on the volatility.
进一步还可以将其拓展为ARMA - GJR - M模型来反映金融中利空与利好消息对波动的不确定性。
In other words, there exists no evident leverage effect among the real estate market and the stock market in China.
Find purchase transeunt funds and bridge funds for purchasers, then to increase the rate of return through leverage effect.
The conclusion is that the leverage effect and week effect is obvious for waving of in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index.
The acting force of prying and pressing marks is leverage effect which is different from that of hitting marks, impact effect.
Baker obviously come to effect, "leverage effect" does not exist and on the lower reaches of the risk of one-way conduction products price conclusions.
The results showed that the daily yield of China' s stock market had obvious heteroscedasticity, volatility, aggregation, sustainability and leverage effect.
RMB exchange rate has a quicker response to information after the reform. The return has neither a characteristic of leverage effect nor a risk premium effect.
The study of asymmetry using GJR-GARCH and EGARCH models shows that there is an asymmetric effect in stock market and the leverage effect is distinct gradually.
GJR- GARCH模型对波动的非对称性研究发现,股市存在不对称性并且杠杆效应逐渐明显。
There is delay reaction and converse reaction to good news and overreaction to bad news. These phenomena show the existence of leverage effect in China stock market.
To those who are managing money matters in the big corporations or enterprises, it is essential to have a good command of leverage effect of convertible corporate bonds.
The characteristic functions of basic SV model and SV model with leverage effect are derived, an estimation (method) of SV models via empirical characteristic function is discussed in this paper.
They normally have no effect on a firm's overall leverage: the borrowed cash and the obligation to repurchase the collateral balance each other out.
Technology allows people to leverage the weight of these institutions against themselves, producing a jujitsu-like effect.
But recently central Banks have in effect conspired with the Banks' urge to earn fees and use leverage.
It's what I call the Goldman Sachs Effect: Goldman increased its leverage and its profit margins shot into the stratosphere.
Causes provides the tools so that any Facebook user can leverage their network of real friends to effect positive change.
Financial leverage as a means of enterprise adjusting rights and earnings, if the using extent and methods were different, the effect will be very different.
Leverage is the multiplier effect of creating tipping points that will magnify and enhance the results of your efforts.
This paper explores the interaction between liquidity and leverage, and its effect on financial stability.
Overall, then, future changes in the cost of leverage seem likely to have a mildly depressing effect on the return on equity.
Overall, then, future changes in the cost of leverage seem likely to have a mildly depressing effect on the return on equity.