For sorting and searching problems, the fork-join library gives you an even easier means of expressing parallelizable operations on data sets: the ParallelArray classes.
对于排序和搜索问题,fork - join库提供了一种表示可以并行化的数据集操作的非常简单的途径:parallelarray类。
All sorts of sorting, searching, and numerical algorithms are amenable to parallel decomposition. in the future, standard library mechanisms like Arrays.sort .
所有的排序、搜索和数字算法都可以进行并行分解(以后,像Arrays . sort这样的标准库机制将会使用fork - join框架,允许应用程序免费享有并行分解的益处)。
After you gather a list of citations from a periodical index, check to see if your library owns that magazine or journal by searching for the title of the periodical in the library catalog.
Not long ago we used to go to the library every time we needed information and spent hours searching for the right sources.
RESULTS: 19 kinds of Steroids in natural musk samples were illustrated by library searching or structure elucidation. and the characteristic method of telling the true from the false is proposed.
The paper introduces the application of cross searching technique for heterogeneous databases and Z39.50 Protocol in higher vocational & technical colleges library.
I think finding information on the Net is more convenient than searching for books in a library.
Two suspicious components in extract from samples of poisoned soup could not be identified by GC-MS with library searching.
采用GC -MS联用分析,被分离出的疑为致毒物质的成分在现有的质谱谱库中检索未能鉴定;
Key techniques for the realization of content-based video retrieval in digital library include video data modeling, video segmentation, video indexing, and video searching and browsing.
After online searching and survey from the National Library and National agricultural Library, it is found that the study on agricultural standardization in ancient China has never been conducted.
And it well explains the practical application of grid technology in digital library with the example of solution to the cross-database searching issue by using grid technology.
No more ambling down to the library searching through the musty stacks and queuing up for the photocopier.
The self motivated study style can be achieved by searching in the library of common questions, online and offline discussion through BBS and virtual chat room.
This stresses the need for orderliness, which also applies to college students' searching for seats in the reading rooms of a library.
Books can be realized here, searching, and the buyers, voting and the amount of statistics, members of management, order management, library management, information editing.
The library is thread-safety and provide continuous stream searching. It can be used in different projects for further development.
Internet literature collection via searching engine and building literature exchange forum, is of far reaching importance for enriching library holdings and reinforce holding features.
The system mainly carry out the following functions: searching for borrowing and returning, book management, reader information management, reads' messages, and the library bulletin.
The system mainly carry out the following functions: searching for borrowing and returning, book management, reader information management, reads' messages, and the library bulletin.