But wait, but to unbridled lost licentious excuses.
Accustomed to licentious speak, just because, to be friends.
The wife of his master is a licentious woman, one who urged his steps to take hold on hell.
An 18th-century history of music described Gesualdo's harmonies, which veer in and out of familiar scales, as "harsh, crude and licentious".
十八世纪的音乐史著形容杰氏的和声(将通常的音阶作突然性的高低转换) “刺激、粗俗、放肆”。
At the beginning of Yuang Dynasty, the mainstream of the literary style was represented by the northern literatus Yao Sui, with the feature of boundless and licentious, vigorous and robust.
At the beginning of Yuang Dynasty, the mainstream of the literary style was represented by the northern literatus Yao Sui, with the feature of boundless and licentious, vigorous and robust.