A life force called qi circulates through the body.
He looked very ill—his life force seemed to have drained away.
Just the simple practice of breathing consciously for 60 minutes at a time infuses one's biology with prana, or life force.
The emergence of an “élan vital, ” a “life force” was coincident with the emergence of function.
For me, creativity is like air, it's a life force that some people require for survival and I'm one of those people.
Yoga practitioners have used pranayama, which literally means control of the life force, as a tool for affecting both the mind and body for thousands of years.
Because most great opportunities in life force us to grow beyond our comfort zones, which means you won't feel totally comfortable or ready for it.
The Radial Body is our pre-sound, pre-light body, the radiating fields of energy and life force around and within us.
辐射体 (Radial Body)是我们的前声(pre-sound)、前光体(pre-light body),是我们内在及周围的能量和生命势能的辐射场域。
I have no idea what's going to happen to me, why the universe is the way it is, or what will happen to my life force once my body stops working.
If you once allow yourself to regard a child as so much material for you to manufacture into any shape that happens to suit your fancy you are defeating the experiment of the Life Force.
In this you are sure to be wrong: the child feels the drive of the Life Force (often called the Will of God); and you cannot feel it for him.
Shanghai friends tell me, learning environment, see, to listen, speak more. I can only be conscious of the English into life. Force yourself.
I am such a great life force, life, do they not? On the road of life will inevitably encounter some difficulties, we must bravely face and learn from it.
For the dance of control causes increasing attachment that only kills the form by snuffing out the life force rather than allowing for ascension.
Mr Jani, who claims to have left home aged seven and lived as a wandering sadhu or holy man in Rajasthan, is regarded as a 'breatharian' who can live on a 'spiritual life-force' alone.
The wind can blow up a big piece of white paper, but can't blow away a butterfly, because life force is disobedience.
Given that increasing life force is a prerequisite for ascension, ascension and control and the related attachment are at odds with one another.
In other words, the FIR waves vibrate in the same way as our vital life force.
He replenished his life force from the captives by draining theirs.
Everything that has a measure of consciousness is a soul because it is created of Creator's love-light essence, the life force of everything in the cosmos.
Palpatine would grow clone duplicates of his bodies to act as receptacles for his evil life force should his body die.
Above all, 'Voices of Bam 'is an ode to the indefatigable life-force embodied by the people of this town.
This means that everyone will be in contact with a device that radiates life-enhancing energy as opposed to your present devices which harm your life force.
The life-force of human beings is fluxional and is desiring freely play .
To them, the earth is the sacred body of the goddess, whose life-force flows through everything.
To them, the earth is the sacred body of the goddess, whose life-force flows through everything.