His life was saved by a quarter-inch-thick bullet-proof vest.
The life vest hang behind every seat, and special belts with shoulder straps keep us as snug as toddlers in car seats.
Even with the others holding him up, Guy was exhausted from treading water for 18 hours without a life vest.
In a water evacuation, don't inflate your life vest until you're out the door, in the water and tired of swimming.
But stay with the rafts; they will be spotted more easily by rescue workers than a single person floating in a life vest.
Detective Delaney entered the water without an air tank, but only his diving suit, mask and snorkel and approached a woman floating in a life vest, he said.
Excuse me, Sir. May I remind you that passengers are not allowed to remove emergency equipment by themselves. Please put back the life vest.
The envelope is also a relevant dress Li Zhi Ren the investigation report of the life experience to take out and put into the pocket of growing the vest.
Give three long blasts on a police whistle while waving a paddle, helmet or life vest over your head.
Now the fight attendants will explain the use of life vest, Please take your life vest on and follow the instruction of your fight attendants'But do not inflate it while you are in the cabin.
Don't inflate the life vest in the cabin and as soon as you leave the aircraft, inflate it by pulling down the red TAB.
Not your average tourist destination, Somalia is strictly a place for travellers with a charmed life and a bullet-proof vest.
A whistle is best carried on a lanyard attached to your life vest.
If you plan to spend a lot of time on ships, learn to swim and always wear a life vest.
If there is an emergency, please put on the life vest under your seat, oxygen masks will come down automatically.
Would you like to swim a long distance? Please Buy this life vest, which is the closest, smoothest, safest and most comfortaBle one.
A sign on each seat kindly asks the passenger to refrain from stealing the life vest.
Upon leaving the aircraft, inflate your life vest by pulling down on the two red tabs. But do not inflate it while you are in the cabin.
If your life vest is not inflated enough, you can also inflate it by blowing into the mouth pieces.
Don't inflate the life vest in the cabin and as soon as you leave the aircraft inflate it by pulling down the red TAB.
Please pay attention to life-vest when you board the boat, and use them quickly when danger happens, .
To inflate your life vest, pull the red tabs, but do not inflate it while you are in cabin. Just before leaving the aircraft, inflate it and follow the instruction of the fight attendants.
There was only one life vest among the three of us, and it was given to me. I stood there in the doorway screaming.
There was only one life vest among the three of us, and it was given to me. I stood there in the doorway screaming.