The life is hard for my father: my mother died years ago, and now his children are far from home, our selfish choices taking us from one end of the country to the other.
In the shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted.
At that time Mr Bush said that harvesting embryonic stem cells crossed a moral boundary that "would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others".
I firmly believe that taking commitments seriously is Paramount for leading a productive life (as I've outlined in one of the principles in the original manifesto - "Honor Thy commitments").
I considered the possibility of taking a job in gomez Palacio and staying there for the rest of my life.
On Thanksgiving, I spent some time taking stock of my life and the world around me and, as we're supposed to do over the holiday, giving thanks for all the joys — little and big — in my life.
For years, rich slave owners had talked of taking the southern states out of the Union to save their way of life.
The staff was sensitive about taking away the young woman’s motivation to improve her life for her own sake, not for the sake of getting praise from someone else.
"Gossip Girl" is taking a hiatus to give the time slot for new series "Life Unexpected".
For several weeks Gage had headaches, and infection set in to the wound, nearly taking his life.
Taking time off for family 'can offer a nice life,' Mr. Welch said, 'but the chances of going to the top on that path' are smaller.
Taking time off for family 'can offer a nice life, ' Mr. Welch said, 'but the chances of going to the top on that path' are smaller.
Dr Drake was speaking at a discussion meeting taking place at the Royal Society in London entitled "the Detection of Extraterrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society".
The director of public prosecutions issued guidelines in September designed to make it easier for those helping someone taking their life to know if they would face charges.
He thought we must take responsibility for our choices, and that taking responsibility was at the heart of a life well lived.
Achilles Heel: Like any mother, the Bride would do anything for her daughter - faced with taking her own life or her daughters, we're pretty sure she'd choose the former.
It had been difficult to find an executioner to carry out the sentence. Men had resigned rather than be responsible for taking the life of the young man.
Even with all the effort you put in at work, you could find that the universe decides to balance your life for you, and puts an end to that job that was taking so much time.
The key is taking control of this overtime and making your job work for your life, not the other way around.
He could be reinstated in the police - and then be immediately put in prison for life for hostage taking.
50 minutes has changed my life. The concept of workingin a focused manner for 50 minutes and then taking a 10 minute breakhas revolutionized the way I work.
When you're taking work home, when you don't have time for outdoor exercise - that is the time to stop and ask yourself whether your present life really suits you.
I'd like them to be controlled for stressful life events if at all possible (say, a big class of undergrads all taking the same class, though that would have bias of its own).
Everyone hears the words, but when they meet difficulties, it is hard for them to be OK with it, they feel the life is hopeless, just as hearing is easy, while taking action is another thing.
I would like to end by thanking God for the small mercies he has shown us at this dreadful time, for taking Diana at her most beautiful and radiant and when she had joy in her private life.
When taking a trip, they have time to think the meaning of life, what are they fighting for, relax them from the busy work.
When taking a trip, they have time to think the meaning of life, what are they fighting for, relax them from the busy work.