However, the emergence of a church form suited to life in the Southwest was rooted in something more fundamental than material and technique.
Though I had gone to church all my life, I had all of God I needed in that one hour every Sunday morning.
Meaning. It's often useful to find meaning, either through a church or spiritual way, or through those we love in life or through the things we're passionate about.
His earliest known works is a series of frescoes (paintings on still-wet plaster) on the life of st Francis in the church at Assisi.
Another popular parental tactic is to discover late in life a deeply held religious faith, in the hope of winning a place in a church-run school.
Those changes are bringing about changes in the attitudes and lives of men. They will also continue to bring about changes in the life of the Church.
Martin Luther King once described Sunday mornings, when people go to church, as the most segregated moment in American life. That is probably still true.
"I'm taking my life back step by step, and I wanted to come home and this is my home," he told congregants Sunday at the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church in northwest Houston.
Thankfully, the Church is showing signs of life on the issue, marked in part by Pope Benedict's condemnation of factory farming.
Everyone takes different paths in life, and it's possible that yours won't necessarily include tuxedo fittings and church rehearsals in the near future.
His family, his friends and colleagues filled every seat in the church, and stood in the aisles and in the doorways to take part in the funeral mass, and to hear tributes to his work and to his life.
It's part of a tradition called "rum springa," in which Amish teens can decide whether they wish to be baptized into the Amish church, or to abandon the Amish life for everyday society.
Most Irish people go to church every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people's life.
Joining in the folk dances in front of a church in Croatia, breathing the fresh air of the Adriatic Sea, tasting the delicious food and sailing among thousands of island, this is life!
If it worked, those new cells-church called them "mirror life" -could answer one of the deepest questions about the origin of life, not just here on Earth but everywhere in the universe.
如果这种想法行得通,这些新细胞——丘奇称之为“镜像生命(mirror life)”——足以回答关于地球上乃至全宇宙生命起源的最深奥问题。
In the same way, the Vatican's senior astronomer has gone on record as saying intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space, and that alien life does not. Contradict Church doctrine.
I believe in the holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of SINS, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.
All: Nourished by the heavenly Bread and given life by the eternal Chalice, let us unceasingly render thanks to Christ, always present in His Church.
There I was, standing there in the church and for the first time in my whole life I realized I totally and utterly loved one person.
Most people go to church every Sunday and the church plays an important life in people's lives.
Your life has only music and study, and your social circles are only in the school and in the church.
How far has that prayer been allowed to be answered in my life and yours? In my church and in yours?
How far has that prayer been allowed to be answered in my life and yours? In my church and in yours?