One thing here is worth a great deal, to pass thy life in truth and justice, with a benevolent disposition even to liars and unjust men.
Living your life in truth can often mean sacrificing a few other things, which might be a stable and comfortable life, but the benefits are going to outweigh being comfortable.
In many circumstances, social connection is actually more helpful to your daily life than understanding the truth of a particular fact or idea.
On many occasions in daily life, people benefit more from their social bonds than from knowing the truth.
This was plain speaking, and Mary Lennox had never heard the truth about herself in her life.
One basic truth in life is that not every day is going to be an easy and miraculously happy day.
Does the need to think constantly about epistemology in such a careful and sophisticated manner inform the speakers' outlook on life or their sense of truth and causation?
Recognizing this truth in our hearts any problems can be adjusted bringing spirituality, health, and harmony into your life.
The only truth that might seem instructive to him is not formal: it comes to life and unfolds in men.
If we conduct our actions, perceptions, habits, and modes for evaluating life in a way that is not 'aligned' with spiritual truth, life can be hell.
In fact, there are generally two kinds of people in life when it comes to truth: speculatirs and seekers.
In truth, as the euro approaches its tenth birthday celebrations, it is facing the biggest test of its short life.
Whether you choose to keep this frightening truth in the forefront of your awareness or not, impermanence is a fact of life.
The truth might not always be true if we touch our heart and see. Its just that our expectations in life and from people around us or circumstances that we are facing, have got the better of us.
The truth is that while some of the workers can achieve their important needs while doing the work, some may rather failed miserably in pursuing their ideal life.
Those who are in search of the good life do not need more answers or more time to think things over to reach better conclusions. They need the truth.
For I can see in the midst of death, life persists, in the midst of untruth, truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists — Mohandas K. Gandhi.
Right there, right in the very experience of life, is the warm, embodied truth we long for so completely.
Eager as I am to put down the truth, there are difficulties; memory fails especially in small details, so that it becomes finally but a theory of my life.
You can struggle through life in an attempt to create the perfect path, but the truth is you will always wonder if it could have been better.
In truth the single currency is heading for the trickiest moments of its short life.
Your present life is not less holy, in very truth, than it seems in people's eyes.
Katie Baratz thought she was a typical teenage girl -until her parents let her in on the shocking truth that changed her life forever.
卡蒂·巴拉兹一直以为自己就是一个典型的青少女- - -直到父母告诉她一个令人震惊的真相-这个真相永远地改变了她的生活。
I think one of the reasons we are drawn back to Alice in Wonderland is that somehow reminds us of what the actual truth of our life is.
Though both are books of truth, what yokes them together is in fact mere frankness: frankness about the life of the body in its most pedestrian, its most recognisable, its most universal form.
Though both are books of truth, what yokes them together is in fact mere frankness: frankness about the life of the body in its most pedestrian, its most recognisable, its most universal form.