Life is a game, you encounter obstacles is a variety of levels, so, let us enjoy the Raiders!
If we say that life is a game, you're a glittering trophy, giving you the power... it is hoped.
This week's Tech Watch features a 25-year old London man who did just that. And now his life is a game.
It blends with skill to produce a game that is "much like life, full of incomplete information and second-guessing," says Mr Lederer.
Foursquare is now being widely touted as the app which will, after years of anticipation and prediction, mark the beginning of "life as a game" computing.
经过几年的参与和预测,Fours quare目前正在被广泛吹捧为“游戏人生”程序的鼻祖。
The prisoner who lost his life in a card game is carried out to the cold...
Is all this a confession that after all life is too complex a game for any rules to be of much use?
Life is not a game, it's not a test, it's not a winner takes all experience.
Unlike a computer game, there is no set mission to complete Second Life. Instead, the online world is a new frontier waiting for you to discover and enjoy as you wish.
All have delivered the message that football is more than just a game. Football is not only about winning; it is also a school of life where you must learn to lose, and that is not easy.
Aye, for the game of creating, my brethren, there is needed a holy Yea unto life: ITS OWN will, willeth now the spirit; HIS OWN world winneth the world's outcast.
是啊,我的弟兄,为进行开创的游戏,需要有一个对生命的神圣承诺:精神,自此会有它自己的 意愿;而世所弃绝者,会赢得他自己的世界。
The point is rather that, since he knows that the cyberspace interactive game is "just a game," he can "show his true self" and do things he would never have done in real-life interactions.
These days a candidate is fair game for the press: they’ll poke into every corner of his past life to see what scandal they can dig up.
The problem is that when life becomes a game that can be left behind at the flick of a switch, it's easy to throw responsibility out of the window.
The key is to get to your smaller goals and move on from each one, like a connect-the-dots game of life.
If the real-life Romeo earns enough 'boyfriend power' points -- by completing game tasks like homework or exercise to become smarter and more buff -- the reward is a virtual trip to Atami.
She is the author of Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House, soon to be a movie starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn.
她是《对抗性游戏:我的间谍生活,我被白宫出卖》一书的作者。将来她还要在一部名为《NaomiWatts and Sean Penn》的电影中扮演重要角色。
Occasionally thought, if life is like a video game, playing bad can choose heavy, what life would be like?
You know, combat is a life or death game, and if we get this wrong, the loser dies.
Life is not the game of life, or it will be without a single success; can't live without game, otherwise monotonous boring.
Rawls' the veil of ignorance can be compared to a life game in which each man's fate is determined by card he may draw.
Childhood to determine a person's character is an important period, in this time period, the game of life is the main content of the child.
The increasing prevalence of the Internet in everyday life means that language online is not a zero sum game. Instead, it allows multiple languages to flourish.
The mind is so analytical that life can easily slip into the manipulation of a chess game.
The Beautiful Game is not usually seen as a job that puts your life at risk.
Imagine life as a game is which you are juggling some five balls in the air.
On the other hand, Touhu becomes more accessible and is not only beloved by Scholar-officials, but enters in ordinary people's life as a popular game.
At fairyland this game in, the caress is to have a life dollar the restriction, get ache seriously or the necrosis will reduce a life dollar.
At fairyland this game in, the caress is to have a life dollar the restriction, get ache seriously or the necrosis will reduce a life dollar.