Banking has a long history of borrowing ideas from science - astronomer Edmund Halley was constructing mortality tables for the life assurance industry back in the 17th Century.
Classrooms are designed with different areas of learning, each with its own focus: practical life, sensorial, language, mathematics, geography, art, music, science, history and nature study.
He also studied paleontology, the science of life existing in different periods of Earth's history.
MS: The fact is that this is very simple science, but as you know, for most of the earth's history, it has not been able to support a kind of life that we know.
The foundation of DNA double spiral structure model is the miracle and milestone in the history of life science. It has epoch-making significance.
The content consists of three parts: a summary of Yao's life and his thought, his contribution to Bibliography, and his study on history science.
The forth part analyses the research status quo of the history of life science and discuss the shortcoming of the current research and the research progress of the history of Chinese life science.
The forth part analyses the research status quo of the history of life science and discuss the shortcoming of the current research and the research progress of the history of Chinese life science.