It can light a corner in the children's hearts, making them know they are loved by people.
There are solutions that could light a path toward a more sustainable and fair farm economy.
It should have good light, a place for your books, and your homework "tool kit".
At night all the people without light are just as blind as me, so I light a lantern.
One of them told me this: "When you write, you light a bonfire in the spirit world."
One of them told me this: "When you write, you light a bonfire in the spirit world.
One of them told me this: "When you write, you light a bonfire in the spirit world. It is dark there.
Once you begin, a new light dawns, sometimes a brilliant light, a light as bright as heaven itself.
Meanwhile, many solar panel companies are developing related approaches for increasing the amount of light a solar panel will absorb.
Unlike many who let criticism discourage them, Mr. Chen USES derision to light a fire in himself to prove others wrong.
Mourners recite the Kaddish prayer three times that day, go to synagogue and light a candle that burns for 24 hours.
We can produce laser light a million times brighter than sunshine.
One well-known hologram of that era captured in red laser light a chessboard on which pieces could be viewed from various angles as a viewer shifted position.
So I felt a wholeness with the light, a sense that all is right with me and the universe.
Walking into this bookstore, we had an insatiable urge to light a cigar (and we don't smoke) because, well, this is the sort of place it seems like one should do that.
In one shot, they wear traditional garb, the bride pretending to light a string of firecrackers. Mr. Zhou mugs a grimace, hands to his ears.
There have been cases of people being so charged that they are able to light a bulb simply by holding it.
He came from a town so small it didn't have a stop light, a building with an elevator or a movie theater.
Stare at a burning fire for a time before going to your drawing; if you don't have a fire, look at a video of a crackling fire online or simply light a match somewhere safe.
If viewed toward a rising or setting sun, these flat crystals will reflect sunlight and create an unusual column of light — a sun pillar as seen above.
Both images were made with infrared and visible light, a combination that increases the contrast between muddy water and land.
The movie itself, written and directed by Joel Hopkins, is so light a whisper could blow it away.
The size of the spheres can be tailored to scatter particular wavelengths of light-a useful property for security applications in which it is important that materials can be identified precisely.
From this distance, oceans, land, clouds, and ice blend into a blur of light, a mere dot against the vastness of space.
As we stopped at an intersection for a red light, a car drove up beside the prime minister.
Aliens, if they exist, are most likely to live along the line between shadow and light, a temperate region known as the terminator, the scientists said.
In a photonic crystal the elements are about the same size as the wavelength of light-a few hundred nanometres (billionths of a metre).
We know a couple whose house burned down on Christmas Eve, just two days after they'd moved in, when the husband tried to light a fire in the fireplace.
After the two bottles were gone, and people were again drinking Keystone Light (a cheap beer), I stood on the patio with Donny, Sam, and Chad - my old college buddies.
Obviously, several of these solar bulbs are needed to effectively light a small room or tent.