Blue light is bad for our eyes, as it can kill the photoreceptor cells we need for vision, according to Harvard Medical School.
That dream has being long gone since I came to the cities of modern world where we build walls and roofs to limit our vision where we light up the sky to mask true light.
I think Quest serves as a perfect metaphor for the evolution of my views on SOA and sheds some light on why my vision of Governance differs from those prevailing in the industry.
Learning more about how the light sensitivity of horizontal cells contributes to image vision will require studying whole retinas, not just single cells.
The researchers used a machine called an "electroretinogram" to test the field of vision - firing a tiny beam of light at the shark in a darkened tank from all directions.
But Schelling's vision is much more encompassing than Aristotle's and only really comes to light when he discusses how one starts from the subjective and works towards the objective.
When the Heliotalic frequencies are seen with the inner vision, they appear as pastel, rainbow colors mixed with pale silver, almost like a metallic light frequency.
This one's about this photographer's vision, about light, about the sense of texture a picture can give you just by looking at it.
Proteorhodopsin is related to the pigment in the retina that enables human vision in less intense light.
A cataract is a painless, cloudy area in the lens of the eye that blocks the passage of light to the retina, the nerve layer at the back of the eye, usually causing vision problems.
Patients may report flashes of light, floaters, a curtain or shadow moving over the field of vision, and peripheral or central visual loss.
Present in some prescription glasses, it has the effect of bending light and can cause double vision or headaches in some wearers.
This gave them a crude form of vision, allowing them to move in response to light and shade, but also brought into biology a way of controlling electrical potential.
Guidance can be found by peering into the darkness to find the light, the thought, the project, the vision that can enlighten your own individual path.
Farsightedness is the opposite, in a way: A shorter-than-average eyeball or too-flat cornea focuses light behind the retina instead of on it, making near vision and sometimes distant vision blurry.
In all 17 species, the commonest kind of light receptors were "rod" cells, which are highly sensitive to light and allow night vision but cannot tell colors apart, they found.
I wanted to preserve the whole of the wonderful vision to be unfolded before my waking eyes in the morning light.
A new travelling show of 300 images, that begins at the Jeu de Paume in Paris, combines a mastery of shadow and light and eye for geometric shapes with a poetic yet unsentimental vision of life.
Their new antennas might also be useful for any other application that requires light to be concentrated, such as night-vision goggles or telescopes.
World Vision is currently conducting research into the nature of child trafficking in Lebanon in the hope that the findings will shed some light on this under-reported segment of society.
If the cells' predicted ability to guide light turns out to be important in vision-still a controversial claim-the result could help explain a bizarre aspect of the eye's construction.
Depending on the severity, the pain can be accompanied by nausea and vision problems, plus extreme sensitivity to light and sound.
Most had extensive damage in one eye, and some had such limited vision that they could only sense light, count fingers or perceive hand motions.
The BrainPort vision system, developed in the US, transforms light images into champagne-like tingling sensations to help sufferers visualise their surroundings.
Depending on your vision, the right kind of lens helps your eye focus light properly and project a clear image onto the retina.
A half moon fading from my sight, I see your vision in its light. But now, it's gone and left me so alone.
A half moon fading from my sight, I see your vision in its light. But now, it's gone and left me so alone.