The river lay quiet beside the empty distillery and from time to time a light appeared in some house on Lucan Road.
When the light appeared, Rjukan residents gathered together.
A crack of light appeared. Vanity pushed the panel aside.
At moments, in that dizzy depth, a gleam of light appeared.
A cluster of specks of light appeared near the edge of the woods.
Clicking the top of it, a bluish orb of light appeared before him.
In the distance, a fuzzy beam of light appeared, followed by the roar of a horn.
A light appeared, then two men on the stairs, them a sudden bright flash, and a loud bang.
Stronger fluorescent light appeared the outer of midgut wall, but a weaker in the nucleus of midgut wall cell.
斯氏按蚊雌蚊中肠壁外侧出现较强的亮绿色荧光, 肠壁细胞核仅出现样弱的亮绿色荧光。
A nimbus of white light appeared around his head, growing larger and more intense until it completely encompassed the monk's body.
Suddenly, a blinding light appeared elsewhere in the galaxy, and Soderberg and her colleagues immediately recognized it was the beginning of an entirely new supernova.
A bright silver light appeared right ahead of him, moving through the trees. Whatever the source, it was moving soundlessly. The light seemed simply to drift toward him.
When he walked slowly, a yellow light suddenly appeared at the end of the road.
Shockingly, the neutrinos appeared to beat light speed by 60 billionths of a second.
Since Einstein introduced special relativity, the theory and the special status it gives to the speed of light have appeared iron-clad.
As I gazed about with sharpened appreciation, I saw colors and lines and contours that would have appeared differently under brilliant light.
There once was a man who fell asleep in his cabin when all of a sudden his room was filled with Light and God appeared.
The voice had come from a man who, in the dim light, appeared to be thin, balding at the temples, with a sharp face furrowed by shifting wrinkles.
And the matches glowed with a light that was brighter than the noon-day, and her grandmother had never appeared so large or so beautiful.
Whoosh! All of a sudden a fairy appeared from out of the glowing light!
The town which appeared was still a world of monotone. But light pink flowers, that elicit a feeling of excitement within all Japanese, appeared in the black and white world.
The spectacular spiral light show appeared in December 2009 in the sky above northern Norway.
For a moment, an arched outline appeared there, blazing white as though there was a powerful light behind the crack.
Little details—like the edges of buildings or the way light hits the car—appeared on the iPad 2 while being unseen on the first generation iPad.
Yesterday, complete province remains fine fine day to enrage, major area has the morning light mist, the south of Suzhou still appeared visibility is less than 1000 meters big mist.
A blue light had appeared in the darkness: It grew larger and brighter, and Lupin and George appeared, spinning and then falling.
Grace appeared in the dining-room light but didn't come forward. "the lady go?" she said.
Peaceful character of the eyes always happy flashing light, appeared cheerful, expansive, vibrant but also lively. Peace of mind from the love, hope and patience.
Peaceful character of the eyes always happy flashing light, appeared cheerful, expansive, vibrant but also lively. Peace of mind from the love, hope and patience.