Love is not a magnificent and victorious oath, but flatly light company, has been to the old.
In addition, the non-flowers of tin light company, Chinese-foreign joint ventures and so on Shanghai Township Island company are also our country quite famous PLC Manufacturers.
Each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.
The company reintroduced the eco-light with a new message, one that emphasized cost savings, that the eco-light lowers electric bills and lasts for years.
I believe it was in part because Daddy was so light-colored, and in part because, during his shift at the phone company, he picked up orders for food and coffee for the operators.
But I believe it was in part because Daddy was so light-colored, and in part because, during his shift at the phone company, he picked up orders for food and coffee for the operators.
The mail was carried by train or boat to St. Louis. Then it was put on overland company stage coaches — light wagons pulled by four or six horses.
Of course, that only came to light after we revealed some of the participating company names in a blog post back in April.
Top KBR officials have said that, especially in light of declining Iraq contract opportunities, the company would be looking to civilian infrastructure-rebuilding opportunities.
Iberdrola, Spain's largest power company, is a world leader in wind power and the second-biggest wind operator in America after Florida power and Light.
Since my dad's company was affiliated with a light bulb company, he was also able to bring home the most beautiful and colourful Christmas lights.
Those users in turn are spread out over 65, 000 virtual acres, so foot traffic in any particular place—say, on a company\'s branded island—tends to be light.
The researchers—from Seoul National University, Act Company and Minuta Technology—used an array of microscale prisms placed on a screen to create a filter that guides light directionally.
首尔国立大学、ActCompany和Minuta Technology的研究人员利用安置在屏幕上的一个微型棱镜阵列,作为过滤器来定向引导光线。
Although ge's demotion from AAA was bad news, it triggered a rise in the firm's shares, which had recently been trading at about the same price as one of the light bulbs that the company makes.
Involves something damaging to the company or staff that was previously hidden and comes to light.
Dutch citizen Else Leegte said her husband's company called them last night, telling them to pack light and get to the airport.
The blog post on the Yelp blog is light on details, but says that the company will begin offering "some great deals for our users" in cities like San Diego, San Francisco and New York.
If I got hurt when fixing the light, even during office hours, I wouldn't get compensation from our company since repairing is not my responsibility.
In other words, don't wait for your company to give you the green light to dream up new ideas — just do it.
Or, more commonly, you might look at social network data and attempt to parse trends from it, such as how often your company is mentioned and whether it's mentioned in a positive or negative light.
So the company spent four years developing a light, tough plastic based on materials recycled from water bottles.
Nearby, two young women are signing up residents for the electricity company, which offers new fridges and energy-saving light bulbs as an incentive to submit to higher bills.
It may seem arrogant to give advice to the one company that has surprised everyone again and again by being light years ahead of the industry — as well as the consumer.
Here's a cool design concept from product design Company 100% : a deliberately bare light bulb lamp that celebrates the smooth curves of Edison's greatest invention.
Here's a cool design concept from product design Company 100% : a deliberately bare light bulb lamp that celebrates the smooth curves of Edison's greatest invention.