Light of a particular colour can therefore be produced by exciting dots of a specific size.
The ever-growing ability to decipher palimpsests is perhaps the most exciting way in which modern technology is throwing light on the role of the written word during the dark ages.
The building, with its mysterious angles and shafts of light, staircases and even birch trees popping up in unexpected places, is visually exciting.
That is not very exciting by itself, but this detector counts single photons (the particles of which light is composed)—and can do so at room temperature.
After a huge development in 2012, the maxi dress is still a popular style to give you a feminine, light and exciting look in the summer.
As the XIII International AIDS Conference drew to a close, some exciting news as well as some sobering figures came to light.
Various lines and shapes show planes of light reflections to the viewer. Convex and concave areas make for exciting shapes. Realistic design should look like a natural object.
The colorful light beams on the stage make the atmosphere of the performance even more exciting.
The interplay of light, both natural and synthetic, hitting the surface creates an exciting direction for denim to take on board.
Fluorescent quantum efficiency has nothing to do with the wavelength of exciting light.
Light is liking, I would think and exciting and fun, your dead holy, will the blockbusting! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
An exciting phase of love begins when you see a work colleague in a new light.
This article deals with a double light source method for exciting samples and the analysis of various steels by a set of curves in which the analysis can be made easily, quickly and accurately.
The new engine from Belgium introduces some exciting new technology (new to light aviation, at least) with an engine that puts out 130-hp while weighing the same as the Rotax 912S engine.
该型源于比利时的新发动机带来了许多新的科技应用(至少对于轻型飞机如此),输出功率130hp,而发动机重量与Rotax 912S相同。
Despite the despondency around the clubs situation, Simpson has proved to be an exciting ray of light.
Despite the despondency around the clubs situation, Simpson has proved to be an exciting ray of light.