The frequency pseudocolor-coded speech spectrogram is then obtained by means of a sampling narrow slit placed at Fourier plane in white-light optical spectrum analyzer.
A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines onto droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere.
The component shows good light-filtering characteristic in wider free spectrum area, has a wide tunable scope which surpasses many optical filters of other types, and it also presents good fineness.
In this paper, a method evaluating small signal gain spectrum of optical fiber amplifier only using a small power broadband light source was proposed.
In some embodiments, the optical sensor includes an array of photodetectors, where each photodetector is configured to detect a spectrum of light.
In some embodiments, the optical sensor includes an array of photodetectors, where each photodetector is configured to detect a spectrum of light.