That life was not a stable permanent fixture was itself the sorrowful tidings which helped to lighten my mind.
Conclusions Radiotherapy and Chemicotherapy plus immunotherapy can lighten the treatment side reaction, raise therapeutic effect and improve life quality.
Conclusions To pertinently provide the nursing direction for the patients' family can effectively improve the life quality of patients and lighten the burden of the family and society.
You now need to lighten up a bit, and the universe agrees and, rather than have forgotten you, will now help you enjoy life more.
So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot, author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. He's a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska.
We provide the whole set UI design for the products, lighten products with art design and radiated its energy of life.
The tooth end relief is an effective process for double circular arc gear to lighten the shock, lower the meshing noise, and prevent the tooth end from breakage, so as to prolong the service life.
On the road of our life, the help of strangers can lighten our loads and lift spirit.
On the road of our life, the help of strangers can lighten our loads and lift spirit.