When the lighting level falls below about 1 lux the cones cease to act.
The resulting lighting level at the work surface is a consistent 80 foot candles.
This paper discusses the changing rule of pupil size with the lighting level and different light color under the road lighting level.
Because today's ceremony is being webcast, the lighting level had to be adjusted beyond that is allowable for viewing of the originals.
In overcast conditions, light shelves cannot increase the lighting level; they operate most effectively when direct sunlight is available.
A complete redecoration of the office space has improved the wall reflectance within the space meaning the lighting can be dimmed to achieve the required maintained lighting level.
On an individual level, people can help reduce much sky glow by using lighting only when necessary and by choosing well shielded lighting fixtures.
Therefore, a level of 70 per cent of initial light level could be considered a threshold of useful life for general lighting.
Unlike compact fluorescent bulbs, LEDs can be adjusted to any level of lighting intensity.
Shebley is a silver-level seller (mostly photography and lighting equipment) but says most her income comes "from supporting sellers as a consultant and a teacher."
Improving the automated control and management level of street lamp with advanced technology has become more and more important during the construction of city Road lighting system.
In theory you can create a more detailed lighting bake for an interior, but when you are outside looking in it's a different level, with a less intensive bake.
The lighting design major in our country starts later, and there are not enough interior good lighting designers, which has a certain distance to international level.
Check the tire pressure, oil level, and lighting of headlights, brake lights, and turn signals before starting the engine.
By placing light probes in your level, it'll sample all of the lighting at each probe point.
The research on the appraisal to the road lighting quality should use luminance standard and small target visibility level which are more conform to the human eye visual characteristic.
The inner court yard to the north allows for natural lighting and ventilation of the plinth level.
Electrified (Level 26) - gives the monster higher Lightning resistance as well as lighting damage when attacking. This also gives the monster a special Lightning-based ability.
It is important in the field of lighting for its characters of high light efficiency, high softness, long life level and convenience of being made into fancy lantern.
A lamp lighting system allows dimming of a compact gas discharge lamp to a low light output level without perceptible flicker.
It was a jaw-dropping beginning to the Games, culminating in former gymnast Li Ning being swung up the roof of the stadium and 'running' around the top level before lighting the cauldron.
So, when it comes to practical application, background lighting should be chosen instead of reflection lighting, also interference coming from background should be reduced to minimum level.
Simple and practical solid wood furniture is the full human, less use of spotlights do focus lighting, the recessive soft light, enriched the facade andthe level of space.
Due to the height restrictions, generally do not recommend the purchase of a small apartment, but can be in the living room through the lighting of different lamps to create a sense of spatial level.
LED in the light principle, energy saving, environmental protection level is far superior to the traditional lighting products.
LED in the light principle, energy saving, environmental protection level is far superior to the traditional lighting products.