We may leave our lights on in the house when we are on vacation, but through social media we tell criminals where we are, when we plan to return home, and how to blackmail us.
if you turn on the lights when there is a gas leak,the house may explode. ;
如果在煤气泄漏的时候开灯,房子就可能会爆 炸.
Below us now is Giff's house: snow on the roof, all the lights on, pond behind it, moon in the pond.
I also used the projector in a house and in my office, setting it on a table and turning off the lights for the best view.
On holidays, her children and grandchildren would visit her, their cars crowding the driveway and spilling onto the street, the lights in the house burning late into the night.
Hoover was sent to the White House on Oct. 24, 1891, to install the first electric lights and doorbells.
On New Year's Eve the big house blazed with lights.
Lights on long red pendants hang through the gap - one of a series of red accents that the house features.
No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead he puts it on the lampstand, where it gives light for everyone in the house.
The lights on the arch of Harbour Bridge were turned off at 8 p. m. , followed shortly by the shells of the Opera House and other city landmarks.
I suggest to you if you are experiencing night attacks, that you leave some low lights on through the house.
Just leave all the lights on... it makes the house look more cheery.
The excitable Aries Moon lights up your 7th House of Partners on Friday and Saturday to intensify your interactions with others.
There were no lights on in the house and it seemed that everyone inside was asleep.
For the interior illumination we use only sphere lights with a very warm tone set-up, and some V-Ray IES to generate more real-looking shadows on the exterior surface of the house.
关于室内照明,我们仅用球面灯,将其设置为暖色调,用一些V - RayIES在房子外表面创造出真实效果的阴影。
Just leave all the lights on. It makes the house more cheery.
But in theory, you could also say: "After the traffic lights, drive north, and then on the second crossing drive east, and you'll see a White House directly to the east."
It turns the lights on at your house at night when you're coming home.
It turns the lights on at your house at night when you're coming home.