Lignosulfonate is also used as a cement extender in making certain cements.
The wood sugars are removed and the lignosulfonate is used as a clay deflocculant.
In the sulfite paper process, the liquor byproduct contains wood sugars and lignosulfonate.
In this paper, a kind of calcium lignosulfonate was phenolated by the method of phenol-sulfuric acid.
The lignosulfonate water reducing agent was prepared via oxidation and sulfonation of wheat straw alkali lignin.
Lignosulfonate extracted from pulping waste liquor was modified to study the feasibility of its use as a corrosion inhibitor.
A method of producing the same moisture proof ability as the calcium lignosulfonate and remaining its surfactivity is introduced.
Rate constant (K) of degradation increases with increasing the gas flow rate or decreasing the initial sodium lignosulfonate concentration.
The conditions of forming low interfacial tension between industrial lignosulfonate and Daqing crude oil have been systematically researched.
The results show that the modified lignosulfonate has a better water-reducing performance as effectively as high grade concrete water reducing agent.
Non-woody magnesium lignosulfonate(ML) is produced as a by-product in the sulphite non-wood pulping, which is a very abundant and innoxious biomass resource.
Oil recovery efficiency can be raised by injecting a lignosulfonate solution into the oil-bearing reservoir, for lignosulfonate is a kind of anionic surfactant.
The results indicate that high concentration CWS can be made from Laoyingshan raw coal in Guizhou Province by using modified sodium lignosulfonate as additives.
Using waste liquor of sulfite process as main material and complexing different kind of metal positive ions, the corresponding lignosulfonate (LSS) are prepared.
A low cost retarded high range water reducing agent GCL1 was prepared via oxidation and sulfonation modification using calcium lignosulfonate as primary raw material.
The results show that the optimal condensation degree of NSF varied with the coal ranks, and the function of NSF can be effectively improved by combining with lignosulfonate.
An air entraining high range water reducing agent was synthesized by way of oxidization and grafted - sulfonation of black liquor of reed pulp (sodium lignosulfonate) and its performance was studied.
This article introduces the laboratory test, pilot production and field experiment of viscosity-reducer CT3-11. CT3-11 is a lignosulfonate-grafting copolymer containing organic cation and anion group.
本文叙述了降粘剂CT 3 - 11的室内研究、中试生产及现场试验内容。CT 3 - 11是一种含有机阳离子、阴离子基团的木质素磺酸盐接技共聚物。
This article introduces the laboratory test, pilot production and field experiment of viscosity-reducer CT3-11. CT3-11 is a lignosulfonate-grafting copolymer containing organic cation and anion group.
本文叙述了降粘剂CT 3 - 11的室内研究、中试生产及现场试验内容。CT 3 - 11是一种含有机阳离子、阴离子基团的木质素磺酸盐接技共聚物。