I don't know what shall I do when I'm looking in your eyes, the feels like the first time.
My wife, Lisa, and I smiled at each other for what seemed like the first time in nearly a year.
Heidi knocked. "Let me in." It was like the first time I met her. The tears, the raw pink of her face.
Time has passed, it seems you can see the stars each eye, I still like the first time also, as can resist.
But you have left me, that Lane, like the first time a space shuttle parked containing you leave this world.
You're elegant, he says, and with him, for what seems like the first time in the film, we see Tatou's dazzling smile.
Like the first time we have a district of Shanghai, I feel this game player needs to cater to the lively market demand.
David Harrington of the Kronos Quartet said that the first time he heard her play was like the first time he heard Jascha Heifetz, a master violinist.
This doesn't seem like the first time that the same type of environmental disaster re-occurs in different locations. Is this purely a coincidence or not?
When a student from a warm country like Vietnam comes to Canada in the autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first.
The poor child felt like a little bird that is placed in a glittering cage for the first time.
When I saw Ronny for the first time, he looked like other kids in the first grade classroom where I volunteered as a Reading Mom.
He didn't seem to like to finish the talk quickly, as was the case for the first time.
It may seem sad to think that every moment in their lives would be like seeing the world for the first time.
It may sound like an unusual piece of advice, but it is true the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future.
I feel like I belong somewhere for the first time - ever. Why is this happening?
What if cinematic classics like The Godfather were casting right now, for the first time – in 2010?
So with the first family treating him like royalty for the time being, "that might be equivalent to fame."
For the first time, even counting the run in 2002, America felt like a soccer nation.
This is the first time that we feel like we are looking at a fair election, so we want to vote.
“The first time she said it, it felt like I got kicked in the chest, ” he said.
Samantha and I have met many times before, but for her, every session is like meeting again for the first time.
I walked and gawked, like a peasant visiting the city for the first time.
Compared to the instructors, we looked like two kids dancing for the first time.
They work like this: The first time a site is visited, it installs a tracking file, which assigns the computer a unique ID number.
Think about it like this: the first time you trust a stranger and are betrayed, it makes sense to avoid trusting other strangers in the future.
Soon after, Galileo Galilei in Italy turned his own telescope to the sky for the first time and saw incredible sights, like craters on the moon and four bodies orbiting Jupiter.
Defence planners would like NATO to hold, for the first time, a big land exercise in the Baltic states.
Her mother perceived, for the first time, that the second vehicle was not a humble conveyance like the first, but a spick-and-span gig or dogcart, highly varnished and equipped.
Her mother perceived, for the first time, that the second vehicle was not a humble conveyance like the first, but a spick-and-span gig or dogcart, highly varnished and equipped.