The evening was delightfully calm and the light air came from the limpid water fresh and soothing.
It is just like that we forget there is limpid water in the deep place of a lake when we see the turbid stream.
The beauty of Sun Moon Lake lies in the fluctuating mountains surrounding it, its wide expansion and its limpid water.
With a long bamboo pole in hand, he would look after a large flock of gosling-yellow ducklings moving about on the limpid water of a shallow brook flanked on both sides by green grass.
Its serene, limpid film of water - which forms a simple, organic shape with rounded corners and no obvious border - ACTS as a neutral foil to the baroque architecture of the church reflected in it.
And water in river is limpid, in which there is several small fish and some shrimps etc.
Its operation shows that the process is rational in design and the clear water after treatment is colorless, odorless and limpid, reaching the state standard for acid waste water discharge.
The innermost feelings are stable, are not pleased by external gains, are not saddened by personal losses, only then can have limpid mind lake water.
In this area, the forest is green and luxuriant, the deep shade covers, the mountain spring flies straight, the river water is limpid and pure, without any pollution.
The knowledge resembles the grit following water seepage, digs deeply more limpid!
Fresh air in vanishing, limpid river water in vanishing, fertile land in vanishing, variegated flowers and plants trees also in vanishing, bright this biology also in vanishing.
Fresh air in vanishing, limpid river water in vanishing, fertile land in vanishing, variegated flowers and plants trees also in vanishing, bright this biology also in vanishing.