Nokia's pace has just recovered from a stumbling block in early 2004, when a lifeless production line reduces its markets share below 30%.
The next line starts a code block that dictates what happens when each client connects.
Instead of having a hit count for each line, there is one for each basic block.
Finding a seemingly arbitrary number in the middle of a 40 line block of code is a maintenance nightmare.
I know there are software hacks that can do this and I did try a lot of them but this particular on line game I play had a way to block such software hacks.
An executable unit begins at the start of every basic block and at any instruction that corresponds to a line of source code that is different than the previous instruction.
Note that in the improved (and expanded) test script, I arranged the _main_ block so that if you specify XML files on the command line, the script continues to implement the prior behavior.
注意,我在经过改进(和扩展)的测试脚本中放入了 main 代码块,这样,如果您在命令行中指定了XML文件,脚本将继续执行以前的行为。
The last line of each format block must be a render, return, or redirect — no different from a normal action.
每一个块的最后一行一定会是一个render、return或者redirect —与普通操作没什么不同。
The last line of the script block uses the dojo.addOnLoad function to invoke a function (in this case the init function) when the web page finishes loading.
在web页面完成加载时,脚本块的最后一行使用dojo.addOnLoad函数来调用函数(在本例中是init 函数)。
The final code block then reformats the assignment lines, by iterating through the original buffer line Numbers (linenum) and through each line in the lines list, in parallel.
First you specify the actual block device with a "device" line, and then you immediately follow it with a "raid-disk" entry that specifies its position in the array, starting with zero.
首先您用一个“device ”行指定实际的块设备,接下来用一个“ raid -disk ”条目指定其在阵列中的位置,从零开始。
The row class, seen in the ingredient listing, sets a 42-pixel high block, suitable for a single line in a stack of lines inside a rounded rectangle.
The statements on line 1, 2, and 3, and the comparison on line 4, all form one basic block that ends with the conditional jump implementing the if statement.
A basic block is a segment of code that contains no branches; it may or may not correspond to a line of source code. An example is.
Thread 1 enters the if block, but is preempted by thread 2 before executing the line at //2.
线程1进入if代码块,但在执行 //2 处的代码行时被线程 2 预占。
To use volume as a building block for a code block that returns the length of a line segment, I can perform either partial application or currying.
Click over the Request Additional Info interaction block to display the menu, then click Add a filter to display a new filter line.
Line 51 is the start of a block comment that describes the PageHook function.
Surfers can line up again and again to block the ferry and other harbingers of the future. But change is as inevitable as the tide.
The ubiquitous Tetris is a puzzle game in which players manipulate a random sequence of falling, four-block tetrominos to create a horizontal line of blocks without gaps.
The French want to concoct a euro-zone block, with a direct line to the European Central Bank and fiscal harmonisation.
The IEnumerable function will generally begin with a "Return Iterator" block, which is a special case of VB's new anonymous, multi-line function syntax.
Block execution when creating an encrypted command line.
Creates a gray rectangle for the system caret and claims ownership of the caret. The caret shape can be a line or a block.
Superficially the code changes are minor; rather than having a block of code following the "for" line, the code is passed as an argument to the "Parallel.For" function.
This includes things like setting the margins on block level elements like paragraphs, headers, and lists to the same value as (or some multiple of) the base line-height setting for the site.
The carbon block consists of two electrodes spaced so that any voltage above the design level is arced from line to ground.
A line-box is an imaginary rectangle that contains all the inline boxes that make up a line in the containing block-level element.
line - box是一个假想的矩形框,包含在此块级包含元素内连成一线的所有inline box。
Sheets are strung across streets to block snipers' line of site.
Production Mian Shaozhuan, hollow bricks, aerated concrete, block production line of professional equipment factory.